Recently in Photography Category

The Duck

Okay, am I completely crazy, or does this look like a duck to you?
It's a water stain on my ceiling. 

Well?  What do you think?  :)

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Three braids and a pony tail...

Today, while in Spanish, I was ambushed by one of my dear friends.  She often plays with my hair during class instead of paying attention since she can speak Spanish already. 

Today, however, she came prepared with hair bands, meaning that my hair would be tied into its bizarre position for more than five seconds at a time.  And she took my camera out of my purse.  So today, I managed to look like a complete dork.  Thank you, Ali.  This is for you. 

Even my teacher stopped what he was doing for a moment to give me a look of confusion when he called on me to answer a question.  That almost made it worth it. 

Though I write this in a completely sarcastic tone, I am not angry.  I am laughing.  This was all in good fun. 

And I took out the style as quickly as my fingers could possibly move. 

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