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Day 2: Greet a stranger

Haven't heard of the 30 Days of Kindness?  Click here to find out more.  Just starting?  That's okay!  Feel free to start this challenge right in the middle.  You can make up the days you missed through November, if you like.

Greet a stranger.  Say "hi" or "how are you?" or "how has your day been?" to someone you don't know.  A complete stranger.  hello.jpgI want you to be sure to sound sincere and genuine when you greet this person.  Be sure to smile!  Make someone feel like you truly care about how they're doing. 

This should still be a fairly easy challenge.  Greet the cashier at a store.  Greet someone when you pass them on the sidewalk.  Waiting in line at the bus stop?  Start up a conversation.  There are billions of people in this world that you do not know.  It should be fairly easy to find one of them.

After you're done, share your stories below!  If you have a picture or video with the stranger you greeted, feel free to comment with the link and I'll share it on this blog for everyone to see.

Tune in later today to see what my friends and I did for today's act of kindness.

TOMORROW: Compliment a stranger!

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Genuine Smiles

Today's challenge was easy.  My best friend, Ali, will also be participating in this thirty day challenge. 

SmilingWe went to a gas station in a poorer side of town, determined to find people to smile at and show kindness.  I turned around and smiled at the lady behind me in line.  She was thin, wrinkled, and wearing worn clothes.  She seemed stressed out to purchase even her Coke.  When I smiled at her, she looked up at me with weary blue eyes and seemed to hesitate, as if she was unused to friendliness of any kind.  While the lady seemed taken aback by my bright smile, she didn't seem to mind.  I wonder if my friendliness made her day.

Ali: "I smiled at the cashier. She looked like she was having a bad day, so I thought I'd brighten her day, and it brightened mine."

Me: "Could you tell if she seemed happier after you smiled at her?"

Ali: "Mmm-hmm!"

What is your story for today?  I would love to see a picture of your beautiful, genuine smile.  Tell me about today's challenge.  Did you make someone's day?  Did your target smile back at you?  Did they ignore you?  Who did you choose to bestow upon your smile?

Stay tuned to read about tomorrow's challenge!

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