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How to Survive High School

Are you an upcoming freshman?  Do you feel a fluttering of your heart and twisting in your gut at the thought of starting high school for the first time?  I gotta say, I've been there and done that.  Starting a new school with new people is scary, especially when you'll be in the youngest age group.  I empathize with you. 

I was terrified when I began high school for the first time.  In middle school, I was shy and awkward.  I didn't have a lot of friends.  I thought that everyone would hate me.  I would have been saved a lot of trouble if someone had given me some kind of handbook for entering high school.  Some sisterly advice.  That's why I'm here. 

I'm an upcoming senior in high school, and I'm not out to haze you.  I'm here to help.  I'll be posting five tips for new high Worried teenschoolers every day for the next eight days, so be sure to check back here every day to get new advice for starting high school.

1. Don't worry yourself sick ahead of time.  Like I said, I've been there and done that.  You lay in bed at night and worry and worry and worry.  Every time you think about high school, you want to throw up.  You're scared.  Remember that is normal.  Also remember that there are a lot of kids in the same boat as you right now.  Don't ruin the end of your summer by worrying about something inevitable.  Hang out with friends while you can.  Have a sleepover.  Sleep in till noon.  Stay up late.  Enjoy yourself.  Don't freak out.  You can't know what it's like until you get into high school, so why worry?  Believe me, it's wasted energy.

2. Be prepared with school supplies before school starts.  Your first day of school is going to be stressful.  That's another inevitable thing.  It's a new place, new people, new part of your life.  Don't make your first day any more stress-worthy by not bringing pencils, paper, and a few notebooks.  Your teachers should give you a list of supplies to buy.  Buy them.  Bring them. 

3. Actually go to orientation.  If there is an orientation, fish camp, or school-wide meeting before school actually starts, go to it.  You'll meet some potential friends, get a tour of where you'll be going to school, and get to know your teachers and classes.  This way, you won't be completely lost and confused when school starts.  You'll have an idea of what high school will actually be like ahead of time.  And hopefully, you won't get lost on your first day.School Supplies

4. Don't worry about what everybody else is going to wear.  In middle school, fashion is all about being as cool as the coolest kid.  In high school, individuality matters.  Don't think, "I wonder what everybody else will be wearing!"  Wear what you think is cute.  Wear what you like.  Start a trend.  You want to be unique in high school.

5. Keep a positive mindset.  If you enter high school thinking, "I'm going to hate this," you probably will hate it.  You're setting yourself up for failure.  In the same way, if you enter high school telling people, "I hate this school.  I don't want to be here," they're going to think, "Man, this kid is a downer." and not want to be around you.  Stay positive.  Tell yourself that you're going to enjoy high school.  These have the potential to be four of the best years of your life.  Let them be fun.         

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40 Reasons to Eat (36-40)

36. Hunger is your friend and it won't betray you like food. - I don't understand how hunger could be your friend.  Hunger kills more than 35,000 people every day.  Hunger, if not satisfied, leads to your death.  Many, if not most, people consider hunger to be a vicious enemy.  Hunger will betray you every time you keep it unsatisfied. 

Fullscreen capture 7122010 105312 PM.bmp.jpg37. Food is mean and sneaky. It tricks you into eating it and it works on you from the inside out, making you fat, bloated, ugly, and unhappy. - Food doesn't make people fat.  People make people fat. :)  You will only become fat after eating unhealthy junk food.  Good and nutritious food will keep you alive and healthy.  Don't you want to be alive and healthy?  And ultimately, food isn't in control of your happiness.  You are. 

38. Think of anorexia as your secret weapon. - Against what?  Yourself?  Your health?  Your life?

39. If you can name one reason to be fat, I will name a million to be skinny. I'll name them even if you can't find a reason to be fat. - I don't know.  I haven't liked any of your reasons so far...  I know much of this was your disease speaking, but you must realize that there is something between fat and skinny.  There is an average, healthy weight.  That is what you should strive for.  That is what will keep you feeling good and alive.  For every argument you strive to think up, I will find scientific proof of why you should be healthy, not fat and not skinny.

40. Thin people look good in ANY kind of clothes. - Are you kidding me?  I have a naturally thin friend who has to shop and shop and shop to find blouses that look decent on her.  Nothing seems to fit right.  Everything is loose and baggy.  "Oh, I wish I had some curves!" she groans every time we go shopping.  And try finding 00 jeans.  Practically impossible.  I know a few people who have actually gotten alterations on their body because clothes weren't fitting them.

Thanks for reading my final installment of 40 Reasons to Eat.

By writing this, I by no means intend to disrespect those who struggle with an eating disorder.  I know that it is a disease of the mind.  I was angered by the original list... false facts that would cause girls who struggle with anorexia to stumble even further.  By writing this, I strive to show girls who struggle with eating disorders that there is an alternative.  Those aren't logical reasons to not eat.  There is never a logical reason to not eat.

If you or someone you know is dealing with an eating disorder, I strongly encourage you to seek help.  Your life and health are in danger.   

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