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Poverty: Education

As we learned last Tuesday, poverty and hunger are both huge issues in the world right now.  An unfortunate result of poverty is the lack of a decent education in third world countries.  Education is extremely important.  What decent job can you get without at least a high school education?  You can't become a doctor, a political figure, a lawyer, a dentist, a teacher, or a scientist without a college degree.  Many people believe that you can't go far in life at all without a college degree.  It can be difficult as a student in a wealthy country to make it through twelfth grade and get your diploma.  Imagine trying to get a good education as a child in a third world country. 

Write.JPGYour text books are old and worn or nonexistent.  You often have to skip school for weeks at a time to help your family earn money or to care for a sick family member.  In order to attend class, you must have a proper uniform and school shoes and these things cost money that you don't have.  When you can manage to go to school, you have to get up early and walk for blocks through dangerous streets in order to make it on time, and then you have to walk all the way back home, often after dark.  Your empty stomach makes it hard to concentrate on your schoolwork.  You're often sick because the water you drink at home is unsanitary and filled with parasites.  You sit on hard wooden benches each day and write on wrinkled, brown paper.  Sometimes your hands become too swollen to write because chiggers, mosquitoes, and horseflies won't stop biting your fingers.  It's hard to achieve good scores on the important tests that allow you to graduate to the next grade level because your teacher didn't even make it to eighth grade.  In the early morning, late evening, and rainy days, class has to come to a pause because your school room doesn't have electricity and nobody can see well enough to write or read in the dark room.  You hear stories about rich Americans and Europeans who hate going to school and you wonder why they think they have it so bad.

The United States literacy rate is currently at 99% for people over the age of fifteen.  In third world countries, a vast majority of people are illiterate.  Take Burkina Faso, for example.  The literacy rate for this African country is currently at an astonishingly low 23.6%.  We could be doing so much more to prevent this.  According to the Millennium Development Goals Report, more than seventy-two million children of primary school age did not attend school in 2005.  The Millennium Development Goals Report considered these numbers to be a huge improvement, but I take it to mean that there are still seventy-two million children around the world who are not getting any education whatsoever. 

These children have the potential to become significant leaders of their country.  They could become great doctors who find cures for cancer and AIDS.  They could become teachers who help to bring up the literacy rates in their countries.  They could become powerful individuals who help make the world a better place.  Unfortunately, these children will never be given the chance to develop and use these abilities. 

If it is true that it is nearly impossible to be truly succeSchool Housessful without an education, then this is exactly what our next generation is going to have... which means that this will become a cycle, and hunger, illiteracy, and extreme poverty will hit these third world countries just as hard as before. 

What can you do to improve these devastating statistics? 

  • Sponsor a child.  Your sponsorship will go to provide an education- even through college or vocational school- for these poverty-stricken kids.  Your thirty dollars a month can help to change the world, simply by improving the life of a forgotten child with so much potential.  Try World Vision or Christian Relief Fund
  • Recycle your old books and textbooks.  Many organizations can use your books to give to kids and schools in third world countries that can't afford to purchase their own.  This means that those old, trashy books that you were going to throw away can help teach someone to read.  Invisible Children has a program called Schools for Schools where you can donate your school's text books to give to poor schools in Uganda, Africa. 
  • Write letters to your local senators and congressmen.  Write letters to the president, for that matter.  Education is so important.  Your country could be doing so much more to improve the standards of education throughout the world.  Your letters can help make a difference.  
  • Pray.  Ask God to provide new opportunities for these children to get a much-needed education.  Ask Him to give you a heart for the needy and a will to fight against poverty.
Whatever you do, please remember to appreciate your education.  I'm a high school student.  I realize that working hard and getting up early for school every single day can seem monotonous, tiring, and even pointless at times, but when you start to feel frustrated with your school, remember how much kids who don't have an education long to be in your shoes... figuratively and literally.  Use your education to help make a difference in the world.  Don't take your blessings for granted.

Do you have any opinions about this subject?  Comment below.  I take the credit for the pictures used in today's article. 

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Featured Artist: Family Force 5

Today's featured Christian artist is Family Force 5.  This band's music ranges in the rock, rap rock, hardcore, and Christian crunkcore genres.  Family Force 5 has had success both in mainstream and Christian industries, but they appear to stay true to their original values and belief in Jesus Christ.  Family Force 5 currently consists of five members: Solomon Olds, Jacob Olds, Joshua Olds, Nathen Currin, and Derek Mount.  Each of these men are better known for their nicknames, which in the same order as above are: Soul Glow Activatur, Crouton, Fatty, Nadaddy, and Chap Stique. 

Family Force 5 1.jpgQuick Bio-
The band began with three brothers: Solomon, Jacob, and Joshua.  They first titled their band The Brothers, attempting a "boy band" appearance.  They soon formed into Ground Noise, which they self-described as, "a really bad version of Third Day."  After adding two more members, Ground Noise became The Phamily- which had to be changed because of copyright issues with Prince's band "The Family"- and then to Family Force 5.  This band has been signed both with Maverick Records (mainstream/secular) and Gotee Records (Christian).  Family Force 5 released their first full length album in 2006, and since then have received widespread success in both Christian and mainstream markets.  They were most recently featured on the Alice in Wonderland movie soundtrack. 

Something that the members of Family Force 5 attempt to make very clear is that they don't want to be labeled simply a Christian band and be thus confined to those musical barriers.  Their goal appears to be to make music that everyone can enjoy... but music that can also lead people to the Lord.

"To me, and pretty much anybody that's under my age, most Christian music is a turnoff.  I don't want to be affiliated with that.  I want to be affiliated with something that is great music.  I feel that Maverick and Gotee together can pull that off... We want to make music that is for God, but at the same time, we want to make music that people enjoy and that they're not turned off by." -Solomon Olds

Family Force 5 2.jpgIn other words, Family Force 5 is interested in making music beyond the stereotypical "four chord" arrangement of many popular Christian worship songs.  They're intent on creating a unique sound with great musical diversity... and God's message of hope.

Family Force 5 is affiliated with the ministry Heart Support, which, according to the website is "community based online help for those struggling with different types of addiction."  Heart Support is a great website that brings struggling people together and helps them find hope, encouragement, and empowerment.

There have been a few controversies on whether or not it is right or wrong for Family Force 5 to perform both in the Christian and secular music industries.  However, the members of the band all openly express themselves to be Christians, and they tour with Christian music artists, such as TobyMac, Remedy Drive, and Reliant K.  Check out Chap Stique discussing his life verse in this video.  And please realize that Family Force 5 are not a worship band... but they're a Christian band.  Many of their songs deal with issues that young people deal with today.  They have a great outreach to nonbelievers who like their music for the beat and I think they do realize that. 

"We're not only for Christian kids to listen to, to be ministered to. We're also giving this to kids in the secular market so that they have a positive message..." -Solomon Olds

I would like to feature Family Force 5 as a great Christian alternative to hardcore secular bands.  These men abstain from cussing and talking about sex and drugs and violence.  However, I would also recommend that you add worship artists to your playlist so that you can have a mixture of Christian songs and worship songs. 

What do you think about this review?  Do you like or dislike Family Force 5?  Do you have a request for me to review an artist: secular or Christian?  Leave your comments below.
Credit for the pictures used in this article go here and here.   

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