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Emily Whelchel
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Jack's Pages
It's been a while since I've posted about Jack. This is because I've been living more than 500 miles away from him for the last month and a half. However, my parents will occasionally send me pictures of him to brighten my day. The pictures always bring a smile to my face, although I'll admit that sometimes they make me want to throw all of my text books aside and say, "Forget it! I'm coming home."
I miss Jack.
Dad sent me this picture of Jack sitting next to him in his office. See, since Jack is so small, he preferrs to sit on the highest place in the room. When we're in the living room, he'll perch on the top cushion of the couch. When he's in my parents' bedroom, he'll stand and watch us from the bed. I think Jack enjoys pretending that he's really quite tall and that everyone looks up to him.
It's only natural that Jack would choose to sit on a chair rather than on the floor while he watched my dad type on his computer. The fact that there happened to be a backpack on the chair already just added an extra boost... and a comfy cushion as well.
Mom sent me this picture a few weeks ago. She took it with her iPhone and it's just one of those pictures that make you say, "Awwww..."
Jack's little black nose, his bright eyes, his pointy ears, his scruffy fur... I just miss that puppy so much. He looks so huggable here.
And finally, I'm not sure if I've posted this picture already or not, but I love it so much. I took the picture with my iPhone about two days before I left home. Jack was trying to tempt me to play ball with him. When Jack wants to play, he gets this expectant look on his face. He's so photogenic.
Just a few more days until I get to see Jack again. I miss my buddy.
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October 7, 2011 1:00 AM
Tags: yorkies are awesome
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Emily Whelchel
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Jack's Pages, Photography
I've loved watching the relationship between my three dogs increase as the months have passed. When we first brought Jack home, Buddy was terrified of him and hid out upstairs for weeks. Boo was more irritable than ever and snapped at poor Jack if he even crept by.
Now they're all best friends and will even defend each other from wicked cats and grasshoppers.
Buddy is the perfect older brother. He's always patient with the young and eager Jack. When Jack wants to play, Buddy will collapse onto his back on the floor and wrestle with Jack for over an hour at times, growling gently and letting Jack win nearly every match.
When Jack finally settles down, Buddy will cuddle with him. This in itself is an amazing feat, since Boo and Buddy will NEVER sleep close to each other. But Jack likes to snuggle and Buddy doesn't seem to mind.
Boo will usually ignore Jack, choosing to spend more of her time with the humans in our family, but once or twice a day Jack will convince her to play with him. They'll play tug of war and tag and chase and murder in the dark and checkers... and okay, not all of those are true. But they'll chase each other all over the living room with their white stuffed toys until Boo gets tired and goes back to ignoring Jack.
One nice thing about their relationship is how protective Boo is of Jack. Since Jack isn't FULLY potty trained yet, we keep him in a playpen when we're out of the house. As soon as we get home, Boo will run from us to the playpen until we let Jack out. If another dog or cat acts threateningly towards Jack, Boo will growl and step between them.
What a good sister.
I'll miss my dogs so much while I'm gone.
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August 17, 2011 1:00 AM
Tags: bichon frise, boo, boston terrier, buddy, demon dog, dogs, evil puppy, jack, yorkie puppy, yorkshire terrier
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Emily Whelchel
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Jack's Pages
I think it's about time for a haircut.
Okay, that's better.
He gets more and more silver after each haircut, doesn't he? It's so hot out right now that he needed that buzzcut.
Sleeping on the leather seat of the air-conditioned car while we wait for my mom to come back in from the grocery store is comfortable, sure, but this is what Jack truly loves. His favorite spot is fast asleep on my mom's shoulder while she drives.
Sometimes I worry that Jack confuses himself with famous movie and TV characters. See, he could be heroic and good-looking like the Jack from Titanic or Lost. And sometimes he is, but quite often, I think he confuses himself with the Jack from Pirates of the Caribbean. Not the handsome pirate, but the monkey who frequently perches on shoulders.
That's my Jack.
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July 24, 2011 1:00 AM
Tags: grooming, jack, jack sparrow, jack the ripper, jackthedorkyyorkie, lost, pirates of the caribbean, titanic
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Emily Whelchel
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Jack's Pages
One of Jack's favorite things in the world is to stick his head out the car window while we're on a trip.
Unfortunately for him, we don't allow him to do this often because of the safety risks involved. It's not that I'm afraid his head will be knocked off my a passing car, because it's closer to the car than the mirror is, but his intent often seems to be to leap out the window and fly free like a bird, so he can make things fairly complicated.
But occasionally I'll hold tight to his harness and let him poke his little head out the window.
As soon as Jack feels the wind whip through his hair, he'll grin, stick out his tongue, and wag his little tail like crazy.
I wonder what goes through his head.
I wonder if he thinks he can fly.
I wonder if he's showing off to the dogs in the passing cars.
I wonder if he thinks he's Superman.
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July 17, 2011 1:00 AM
Tags: flying, jack, jackthedorkyyorkie, miniature yorkie, sticking his head out the window, thinks he's a bird, yorkie puppy
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Emily Whelchel
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Jack's Pages
We didn't make Jack wear a collar throughout the winter because it was too cold for him to leave our porch and he was too small to fit into anything. Now that he's a little bigger, he's eager to go on walks with us and he'll occasionally try to sneak off to visit neighboring houses (which we do not want!). We're also trying to leash train the little bugger... at least a little.
See, with our big dog Coco, we were forced to try desperately to leash train her or she'd drag us down the street. I usually just carry Jack around in the crook of my elbow. However, it's good for a dog to be leash trained, so that's what we've been working on lately.
Since the collar that was too big for Jack back in the day is now a little tight (awwww), I went to Petsmart and Jack helped me pick out a harness. Jack is always a big hit at pet stores because he's adorable AND he loves attention, so it's okay for everyone to stop and pet him, unlike with some small dogs.
Here's the harness he chose. Okay, maybe I had a little something to do with it too. Cute, right?

I chose a harness because it's safer, especially for small dogs like Jack with fragile necks. I want Jack to be perfectly safe when he pulls with all of his might against the leash. (So far, he's actually doing well. He struggles at first and then heels almost perfectly.)
He doesn't seem to mind the harness like I thought he would. After we first put it on him, he didn't even try to scratch it or start walking funny. I suppose putting him in cute sweaters all the time has paid off. He doesn't even notice the harness.
I'd like to end this with the cutest picture you'll see in a while.

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July 5, 2011 1:00 AM
Tags: harness, jack, jackthedorkyyorkie, miniature yorkie, petsmart, sleeping puppy, yorkshire terrier
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Emily Whelchel
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Jack's Pages
Last night, Jack got into a little... accident. He was playing out in the yard under loose observation. (We can't let him out COMPLETELY alone because he's small and there are big birds out there.) Suddenly, he started yelping and shrieking in pain.
Jack accidentally stepped onto a fire ant hill and was attacked by ants. His cries lasted for several minutes as they continued to bite him all over his little legs and feet. He could hardly walk all night and had trouble sleeping because he was so uncomfortable. This morning, the poor little guy couldn't even put weight on one of his legs. No worries though. He's already completely back to normal.
Strangely enough, Jack doesn't even seem hesitant to run around in the yard again, ants or not. He seems to have already forgotten the incident.
Here's a Jack smile for you.
And in case that wasn't enough, here's an upside down smile.
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July 1, 2011 1:00 AM
Tags: jack, jackthedorkyyorkie, smiling puppy, smiling yorkie, upside down puppy, yorkshire terrier
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Emily Whelchel
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Jack's Pages
I love this boy so much.
Even when he DESPERATELY needs a haircut.
And even when he drives the other dogs crazy.
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June 29, 2011 1:00 PM
Tags: boo, boston terrier, jack, jackthedorkyyorkie, miniature yorkie, shaggy puppy, sleeping puppy, yorkie puppy
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Emily Whelchel
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Jack's Pages
This is what Jack does when I say, "BANG!"
And this is how I found Jack and Buddy together the other day. Boo would never, never, NEVER let Jack come near her while she's trying to sleep. But Buddy doesn't seem to mind. What sweet brothers.
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May 13, 2011 1:00 AM
Tags: bichon frise, buddy, jack, jack the dorky yorkie, yorkie, yorkie puppy, yorkshire terrier
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Emily Whelchel
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Jack's Pages
Although most Yorkies are known to have stereotypically long hair, we like to keep Jack's short. First of all, for a rambunctious puppy, long hair seems a little bit of a hassle. Even when it's cut short, Jack's hair gets tangled and crazy-looking in a matter of hours. He's constantly wrestling with the other dogs and rolling around on the floor.
We always give Jack the "puppy cut."
At the end of the month, Jack will start to look a bit shaggy. His hair will start to flop over his eyes and his little ears won't look so pointy and sharp anymore. When he's brushed out, the look can still be cute. Here is Jack last month when his hair was starting to look shaggy... not too bad, actually, but an appointment had already been set.
And here is Jack after his appointment. Pointy ears, small feet, silky soft (although not for long). Just like I love a guy with a fresh haircut, I love my puppy with a fresh haircut too. And the hair bow and bandana they give him only make Jack that much cuter.
Okay, now that I look at the two comparisons, I realize I should have picked a month where Jack was starting to resemble Chewbacca. He's getting pretty bad right now, so maybe I'll share another puppy haircut blog soon. But either way, here are pictures of Jack. And that's always cute. :)
May 10, 2011 1:00 AM
Tags: jack, long haired yorkie, puppy cut, small dog grooming, yorkie, yorkie grooming, yorkie puppy, yorkshire terrier
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Emily Whelchel
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Jack's Pages
When we first purchased Jack, we never realized what a creeper he would become. But this is what I see when I crack open my door on most days. He just stands there. Waiting for an opportunity to burst into my bedroom and run in circles victoriously, overjoyed that he entered my room without my permission.
Sigh... Jack is finally living up to his namesake. (Yes, we actually did name him after Jack the Ripper. Probably a bad idea).
Sometimes I take pity on my patient puppy and I slip through my door and kneel on the stairs. See, I don't usually like Jack in my room unless he's sleepy and willing to stay on one spot where I can keep an eye on him. He's in his reckless, chewy puppy stage, you know. But if he's wide awake, he'll let me play with him on the staircase. Sometimes we play fetch... up and down the stairs. Sometimes Jack rolls onto his back and I kiss his stomach and face. He loves it.
Jack has the most realistic smile I've ever seen on a dog. Sometimes I wonder if he's mimicking my facial expressions. When I stick out my tongue, he'll often do the same, so I wonder if he copies my smile as well. No matter what he thinks he's doing, Jack sure looks like he's grinning at me, doesn't he?
After about ten minutes of playing, Jack usually becomes worn out. He is still a little guy, after all. So without any warning, he'll flop onto his side, stick out his tongue, and close his eyes (in typical Jack-sleeping-fashion). I usually can't help but laugh at him. What kind of dog falls asleep in the middle of a game?
Cute, isn't he?
Be sure to check out Jack's YouTube channel at JacktheDorkyYorkie.
May 1, 2011 1:00 AM
Tags: cute puppy, jack the ripper, jackthedorkyyorkie, laughing puppy, playing puppy, sleeping puppy, smiling puppy, yorkie, yorkie puppy, yorkshire terrier
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Emily Whelchel
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Jack's Pages
Lately Jack has been hanging a lot in my room. If I don't let him in, he'll scratch at my door until he finally consents. The other day, I was taking pictures of Jack, so he got sick of it. This is his "let me out of your room now" face.
Jack makes me laugh sometimes. He's still a puppy, so Jack loves to play. Lately he's been chewing up everything. Typical puppy behavior. The family is learning to hide everything. I've found him carrying around a plastic clothes hanger by the loop, pens, sealed nail polish bottles, a makeup brush, a paper towel, and more. Jack will play with anything and everything. Including my hand.
And lastly, Jack loves to laugh.
Haha, not really, but this picture sure looks like he is rofl-ing, doesn't it?
Someone told me the other day that I need to make a children's book series about Jack. It would sure be amusing. Jack thinks his life is incredibly adventurous, even if he's slowly learning day by day that we allow the pets in our house to become lazy couch potatoes. Somehow, I'm not sure that Jack will ever become one of those. He's too crazy.
Be sure to check out Jack's YouTube channel at
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April 19, 2011 1:00 AM
Tags: jack, jackthedorkyyorkie, playing puppy, puppy, puppy pictures, rofl, sleepy puppy, yorkie, yorkshire terrier
Posted by
Emily Whelchel
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Jack's Pages
I love it when guys get haircuts. In fact, I love it when just about anyone gets a haircut. There's just a freshness about a new haircut that leaves you feeling and looking great.
When Jack gets a haircut, I can't help but love the way he looks too. The groomer uses something -I have no idea what it is, but it's wonderful- that makes him smell so good. And his little ears and feet are always so close-cut and sharp. I love when Jack gets a haircut.
You can always tell when he's getting to be a bit shaggy. Jack is always cute, shaggy or not... and here, he isn't as bad as he sometimes gets, but you can see the shagginess a little bit.
But that fresh look and smell that comes whenever Jack gets home from the groomer is lovely.
Handsome, isn't he?
Oh, I just love Jack after a proper haircut.
Be sure to check out Jack's YouTube channel at JacktheDorkyYorkie.
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April 15, 2011 1:00 AM
Tags: grooming, haircuts, jack, jackthedorkyyorkie, yorkie, yorkshire terrier
Posted by
Emily Whelchel
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Jack's Pages, My Life, Photography
Lately, Jack has been spending a lot of his time in my bedroom. I frequently hear a little scratching at my door and when I turn around to open it, Jack is standing in my doorway, waiting patiently. He won't give up. He'll scratch for several minutes at a time and if I still don't answer, he'll go to sleep with his nose pressed against the crack of my door. Sad, isn't it?
When I let Jack into my bedroom, he immediately hops onto a big green pillow I got for Christmas. The pillow is his spot. Sometimes he'll bring toys into the room and leave them on the pillow, but he often naps there.Sometimes Jack gets lonely or bored, so he's taken the habit of jumping up onto my lap and crawling up to my shoulder, where he'll curl up and actually fall asleep. I honestly have no idea how he manages to balance on my shoulder while I write, but he does it. He likes to perch on my shoulder. It's the weirdest thing, but I can't help but laugh.
And finally, I'd like to share a picture of the face Jack makes when he really, really, really wants me to play with him. This is an older picture, but I'm pretty sure I haven't shared it with you guys.
Oh, Jack. There's just something about him that makes you say, "Awwww."
Be sure to check out Jack's YouTube channel at
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April 10, 2011 1:00 AM
Tags: jack, jackthedorkyyorkie, miniature yorkshire terrier, parrot, puppy, puppy on shoulder, sad puppy, sleeping puppy, yorkie, yorkshire terrier
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Emily Whelchel
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Jack's Pages, Photography
I know it's been a couple of weeks since I've shown any pictures of Jack, so I'll give several today.
Jack loves to be petted. For some reason lately, Jack has been enjoying my company... a lot. Constantly throughout the day, I'll hear a little scratch at my door. When I open the door, Jack bursts in or runs to the top stair and rolls over on his back, begging for me to pet him. His favorite place in my bedroom is my giant green pillow where he naps or sits quietly and watches me write.
I love the way Jack sleeps. He often sleeps flat on his back with his little legs in the air. The other night, I was rubbing his belly and he fell asleep that way. When I walked away to go to my own bed, I couldn't help but chuckle. Jack looked so small and vulnerable as he bared his tummy to the world, fast asleep.
I've been working on teaching Jack different tricks. So far, I've taught him sit, stay, shake, lay down, roll over, circle, stick'em up/bang!, play dead, dance, and crawl. He's a very bright dog. I can practically see the little gears turning in his head as he tries to figure out what I want him to learn next. Here's a picture of what he does when I point my hand at him in the shape of a gun and say, "Bang!"
And when I say, "You're dead."...
And finally, here's a picture of the normal goofy Jack I've grown to love. Here he is just trying to get me to rub his belly.
Be sure to check out Jack's personal YouTube channel at JacktheDorkyYorkie.
March 27, 2011 1:00 AM
Tags: dog tricks, jack, jackthedorkyyorkie, miniature yorkie, puppy, sleeping puppy, yorkie, yorkie puppy, yorkshire terrier, youtube
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Emily Whelchel
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Jack's Pages, Lists and Tips
So you want a Yorkie? Here are a few more tips on what you'll need for your new puppy.
Since Yorkies are such small pets, yours will need proper bedding at night if you don't plan to sleep with him. Jack used to sleep with my parents, but since he wakes up at about six a.m. each morning and tackles the face of whoever's nearby, he got kicked out fast. We keep him in his playpen at night with a little bed, a Snuggie dog pillow, a blanket, and a kennel in case he wants to curl up in the dark. He never sleeps in one place. One night he'll sleep on the Snuggie pillow and the next he'll sleep in his kennel. We also give Jack a potty pad in case he needs to use the bathroom in the night and a stuffed toy to keep him quiet when he wakes up early.
If you get your Yorkie puppy as a baby, he may have issues crying in the night. We bought a hot water bottle in a dog-shaped pillow and would place it in Jack's playpen at night with him when he was a baby. It took a couple of weeks before he stopped crying at night, but the hot water bottle was ultimately a great idea. Whatever you do, if your puppy cries during the night, don't go and hold it until it's quiet. If you leave it alone, it will eventually go to sleep.
Since most Yorkies are (and probably should be) house pets, I don't think that a collar or identification tags are really that necessary for every day use. Jack has a tiny collar and we put it on him if we take him on a road trip and have to use a leash. I recommend that you get an inexpensive collar and leash because you may need it at times, but I don't think a big metal tag is necessary since Yorkies are so small. You may want to have your vet implant an identification chip somewhere on your actual dog in case he runs off, but that's also entirely optional.
If you live in an area with lots of snow and cold weather, then you may want to consider getting your Yorkie a sweater of some sort. Yorkies aren't so fragile that they have to have a coat on every time they go outside, but since they don't have an undercoat like most dogs and they're so small, they can get cold easily.
A sweater is entirely optional, but if your puppy will be out in the snow for very long at a time, it may be something to consider. Personally, I love puppy sweaters. Jack practically has a little wardrobe of his own.
Be sure to check out Jack's own YouTube channel at JacktheDorkyYorkie.
March 15, 2011 1:00 AM
Tags: bedding, collars, identification, jackthedorkyyorkie, leashes, puppy, puppy sweater, snuggie for dogs, yorkie, yorkie puppy, yorkshire terrier
Posted by
Emily Whelchel
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Jack's Pages, Lists and Tips, My Life
Food and Water
The good thing about owning a small dog is that it won't eat much. Jack will eat about half a bowl of dog food a day, but his bowl isn't very big. Since we've gotten Jack six months ago, we've only had to purchase two or three bags of dog food.
See the bowl in the picture to your left? That's actually the smallest food bowl they had available at Pet Co. Jack's grown into it more now, but when he was a puppy, he could have fit inside the thing.
Because Yorkies are small, you have to feed them more often than you would a big dog because their metabolisms are fast. I recommend keeping a bowl that contains a little bit of food out most of the time or at least designating two or three meal times a day for your puppy. Good "meal times" would be when you eat so your puppy won't beg at your feet.
Your vet will be able to recommend the best kinds of food for your puppy. You should also use the same brand of food your breeder used and possibly adjust your puppy to a new brand later on. If you abruptly switch brands of food, your puppy could get sick.
We have a bowl that has constantly running water for our three of our dogs that Jack uses. If you don't have fresh water available, be sure to change out your puppy's water bowl at least once a day.
You should be able to find small puppy bowls for only a couple of dollars at your local pet store or even Wal-Mart.
These are more of a luxury, but please know that you'll need to get your puppy at least one toy to keep up his imagination. I heard that three toys is the perfect amount for a dog because he'll never get bored or spoiled. I guess Jack is spoiled because he has about fifteen toys. He shares them with the other dogs, of course, but he dominates them.
A lot of toys can be handmade, like Christmas ornaments. Those round shiny balls with the knob at the top? Jack loves them. They're his favorite toy. He always loses them though. We also get Jack squeaky balls and small stuffed animals because he loves fetch and tug of war. He plays with a few toys left over from our previous dog, Coco, who didn't work out in our household because she attacked our dog Boo. He also loves makeshift toys like toilet paper rolls and plastic cups. Jack will basically play with anything.
To the right, you can see Jack's expression when he really, really, really, really wants me to play with him. Cute, isn't it?
Be sure to check out Jack's YouTube channel at JacktheDorkyYorkie.
March 11, 2011 1:00 AM
Tags: food, food bowls, jack, petco, petsmart, toys, wal mart, water, yorkie, yorkshire terrier
Posted by
Emily Whelchel
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Jack's Pages, Lists and Tips, My Life
Are you considering adopting a Yorkie puppy? Then keep reading.
Vet Bills
One of the biggest expenses involved in taking care of a puppy is vet bills. We've had to take Jack in for his shots. He's gotten sick once since we've had him and we ended up taking him to the vet and getting him some antibiotics for a stomach bug. We also had to get Jack neutered when he turned six months old.
Your vet will help you get a schedule down to ensure that you get your puppy all the right vaccinations, but you've also got to make sure that you have a little emergency fund in case he gets sick or hurt. Yorkie puppies are super bold, so they often think they're stronger than they are. There have been a few instances where Jack has climbed to the very top cushion of the sofa and jumped off bravely and we've been afraid that he might snap a little leg if he isn't careful.
If you don't think you can afford the vet bills, then you probably aren't ready to get a puppy.
If you're getting a Yorkie, be ready to fork over some money for a groomer unless you're good at grooming dogs. Yorkies have hair that is similar to humans' because it's without an under layer. It can easily get matted or greasy. It also grows pretty fast. We take Jack to a groomer to be trimmed generally about twice a month, but we like his fur to stay short.
When Jack was a little puppy, we couldn't have his body trimmed because he still had his puppy coat. The groomer told us that if you cut a Yorkie's baby coat, there's a chance it might never grow back or even fall out. Now we have Jack's fur cut short each time he goes to the groomer. I ask for the "puppy cut," which is basically an adult replica of a Yorkie puppy's hair length. I'm not a big fan of the long and flowing locks and the pretty bows, at least not for my manly Jack. ;)
Did you know that all Yorkies look basically the same when they're little puppies? They all have fluffy bear-like faces and fur that is dark and reddish brown. As they get older, their puppy coats will fall out and change color and that's when they'll start to look different. It's difficult to know what colors you're going to get when you adopt your Yorkie as a puppy. He could be blue (dark gray) or gold or silver or beige. It really depends on his parents. I enjoy the surprise.
Jack's fur does tend to get greasy, just like a human's, so we usually bathe him once or twice a week. Since Jack is currently three and a half pounds and nearly full grown, a few inches of water in the sink will be good enough for him. I usually shower with Jack every four or five days. He enjoys biting at the water and trying to hide from the spray.
Because you'll need to bathe your Yorkie fairly often, try to get a moisturizing shampoo or a conditioner. Also, try to brush your Yorkie before you give him a shower because the water can cause tangles to turn into matts. And if your puppy gets matts, he'll have to be shaved. Yikes, right?
Be sure to check out Jack's YouTube channel called JacktheDorkyYorkie.
March 8, 2011 1:00 AM
Tags: baby coat, bathing puppy, grooming, jack, miniature yorkie, puppy coat, puppy cut, shower, vet bills, veteriarian, yorkie, yorkie grooming, yorkshire terrier
Posted by
Emily Whelchel
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Jack's Pages, News and Updates
I know the last few posts have been about my puppy and I'm sorry to those of you who aren't interested in cute dogs. This will be the last Jack day for a few days and expect another post later this afternoon.
I've officially made Jack his own YouTube channel where I'll be posting videos of him throughout his short life so far. At this point, I'm still posting the videos from when he was a baby-baby, but after I get caught up, I'll post some recent Jack videos.
His channel:
Jack the Dorky YorkieThe channel description is this:
My name is Jack.
I was born August 9, 2010.
I used to be a Great Dane.
Seven months ago, an evil cat abducted me and put me into this tiny Yorkie body.
I still have the heart of a Great Dane... only now I'm much more cuddly.
I love to learn tricks, play tag, and torment my cat-brother, Oreo.
I run this household. You might say I'm the spoildest Yorkie in the world.
I hope you like my videos.
March 6, 2011 1:00 AM
Tags: jack, jackthedorkyyorkie, yorkie, yorkie puppy, yorkshire terrier, youtube
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Emily Whelchel
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Jack's Pages, Lists and Tips, My Life, Photography
Upon request, today's post is about how I take care of my seven-month-old Yorkie puppy, Jack. I thought I would go ahead and make a series out of this because there is a lot of information involved in taking care of a puppy and I have plenty of pictures to share. :)
Today I'll explain why I came to choose a Yorkie in the first place.
I always thought that Yorkies were these tiny, fragile dogs with hair that would take longer to fix than mine. Honestly, if someone would have asked me two years ago if I wanted a Yorkie as a pet, I would have laughed and said no way. I don't like yippy teacup dogs. I like small dogs, but dogs that have personalities.
My mom's friend got a Yorkie on a spur-of-the-moment purchase, from a pet store, of all places. Everyone was shocked that she would actually buy a pet shop puppy, but he ended up being absolutely adorable. I fell in love.
This other puppy wasn't the stereotypical Yorkshire Terrier I had always thought about. He was tiny, yes, but he was as rambunctious and bold as a big dog. He had a huge personality. In fact, he was hilarious.
Since my little brother was finally old enough for my family to get a small dog, my family decided to start researching Yorkies. According to what we read, they were clever and full of personality. All of the resources said that we could teach Yorkies to not be yippy or scared and we didn't have to keep their hair long and girlie, like in the picture above.
We began our search for a Yorkie breeder and we found one who lived in a town nearby. We spoke with the owners and then went to visit them. They had a small litter of only two puppies. There was a girl and a boy. The little girl was trembling and shaking. If any of us tried to hold her, she flinched away from us and tried to hide. On the other hand, the little boy was chasing the other dogs in the room and playing tug of war with us and jumping into our arms to try to lick our faces. He was adorable. We went home with him that night and named him Jack. After Jack the Ripper, interestingly enough.
I took the picture to your right the night we brought Jack home. Wasn't he tiny and cute? I loved his teddy bear face.
We actually probably took our puppy home a little too early at only six and a half weeks, now that I look back, but those specific breeders encouraged it, so we did. I have to say though, if you get your puppy as early as we got Jack, be sure to socialize him and introduce him to hectic and crazy environments so he won't be a shaky dog when he grows up. You're taking the place of his mommy. It also helped that we have two older dogs who adopted Jack as their own after a few weeks of adjustment and taught him the way things go around our house.
I adore Jack. He has the biggest personality out of all of our dogs. He's bold and playful and intelligent. He learns tricks like crazy and tries desperately to please me. He can play for hours upon hours at a time, but when I sit down to read or watch TV, he'll curl up right next to me and fall asleep with his chin on my knee. I love him.
I got the first photograph shown from here.
March 5, 2011 1:00 AM
Tags: breeders, jack, jack the ripper, miniature yorkies, why get a yorkie, yorkies, yorkshire terrier
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Emily Whelchel
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Jack's Pages, My Life, Photography
I didn't take many pictures of Jack this week. In the early afternoons, when I just get home from school, eat lunch, and watch an episode or two of "Monk" on TV, Jack always takes a nap on the cushion by my head. He stands and watches me eat for a few minutes and then curls up and falls fast asleep right next to me. And when Jack sleeps, it takes a lot to wake him up.
I love this time of day when Jack is sleepy because he lets me cuddle with him. Normally, Jack is feeling bouncy and excited. He brings me his toys to play fetch or tug of war or he runs up to me and growls to try to taunt me into chasing him around the living room. If I don't chase him, he'll try to chase me.
But when Jack is feeling tired, he'll lay right down next to me and let me kiss him and hug him and play with his little feet. I love cuddling with my baby boy. I love trying to wake Jack up after he falls asleep. It's a game of sorts. I can blow on his face and pull on his paws and ruffle his fur and he doesn't usually even bother to open his eyes and look at me. He stays fast asleep, curled into a tiny little ball.
Have you noticed how silver Jack is getting? His back is still black, but his face and paws and chest are all becoming silver and gold. He's getting so old! His layers under his baby fur on his back are silvery, so I think he may get a little lighter than he is right now.
Jack is seven months old and about three and a half pounds. We think he's basically full grown.
Sometimes if I continue to mess with him while he's asleep, he flops over onto his side or even onto his back with his little legs sticking straight up in the air. He never opens his eyes though.
And when I've finished with my TV show and stand up to go upstairs, Jack is suddenly wide awake and leaps from the couch in a fit of excitement.
Oh, puppies.
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March 4, 2011 8:26 PM
Tags: jack, jack the dorky yorkie, miniature yorkie, yorkie puppy, yorkshire terrier