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Nerds Day Thursday

(Note: this actually took place last week.)

Today was Nerds Day Thursday.  This is the day I've been waiting for all week.  I spent hours in thrift stores over the weekend picking out the perfect clothes.  I have an extra-large (when I should be wearing a small) collared red shirt, giant polka dot shorts, a bun, big glasses, and hi-top Chucks (I didn't have better shoes, sadly).  But I'll tell you now, I most definitely passed as a nerd.  Yikes! 

My brother and sister also dressed up for nerd day.  Amy wore a shirt that said, "Sometimes I pee when I laugh", high shorts, light up shoes, and pigtails.  Luke... he just blows us all away.  He's such a natural nerd. :) 
Nerdy Family
As soon as we got to school, it was immediately noticeable how many people were dressing up for today.  A woman was Caleb the NerdZeek the Nerdwalking by our campus while several of us were walking from the parking lot to the school.  She did a double take and burst into loud laughter.  I'm sure we made her entire day.  It was so much fun.

Nearly everyone dressed up, bringing nerdy gadgets, parting their hair in the middle, wearing high pigtails, high shorts, tall socks, pocket protectors, big glasses, bow ties, suspenders... basically every "nerd" stereotype was fulfilled at my high school.  A couple people even showed up as giant boxes of Nerds.  Get it?

At lunch, a group of friends and I got together and went to the mall to eat.  A couple of soldiers dressed in army fatigues started laughing, pointing, and waving at us when we walked by.  Many people made comments about how we looked.  The most noticeable nerds in our group would have to be Zeek and Rebekah, but we all looked pretty crazy.  We were sure to stay in character during the entire meal.

As we drove back to the school after lunch, we all enjoyed blasting rap music from the speakers, rolling down the car windows, and nodding at gangsters as we drove by.

I love Spirit Week.    

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Twins Day Wednesday

(Note: this actually took place last week.)

Today was Twins Day Wednesday.  I don't usually like this day because it's inevitable that someone will be left out and not get Twinsto dress up with a friend.  It's often excluding.  I'm usually twins with a girl friend, but this year I was twins with a good guy friend of mine.  What's hilarious about it is the fact that we don't look anything alike... I am a 5'1 and white.  He is a 6'5 and black.  And then there's the gender difference on top of everything else.

We were salt and pepper.  It was a ton of fun to see everyone's reactions when they found out we were "twins". 

I think the coolest outfits of the day were from two of my best friends, Rebekah and Rebecca.  (They're made to be twins, right?  They even have the same names.)  They dressed up as two human bathtubs.  It must have taken them forever to make those costumes, but it was worth it.
Rebekah and I went to United for lunch, and it was so much fun to see everyone's reactions as she went through the buffet Unitedline.  When she walked by, people would do double-takes and then burst into laughter.  Rebekah told the cashier, "It's Spirit Week at my school.  I don't usually dress up as a bathtub." 

"Oh," was the cashier's befuddled response.

It was also fun to watch Rebekah bump into tables and try to squeeze through doors.  Several people said that she made their day. 

While I wasn't that extravagantly dressed, and without Zeek nearby, you wouldn't get how funny my costume was, it was the highlight of my day to see Rebekah in her costume walking through the grocery store with everyone's eyes glued on her.  When we walked through the parking lot, she literally stopped traffic. 

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