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Emily Whelchel
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Lists and Tips, Music
Day 8: Put your iPod on shuffle and list the first ten songs that play.
Okay, I'll admit I cheated a little here. My family shares iTunes, so I have nearly ten thousand songs on my iPod, most of which I don't even know. I do have a playlist though of all of my favorite music... and it has a lot. So I put that on shuffle instead of my iPod. I love sharing my music, so I'm excited to see which songs show up.
1.) "Three Little Birds" by Bob Marley
I laughed when this song came up. I enjoy a relaxed, beach-style of music, so several of Bob Marley's songs fit that description. This is probably one of Bob Marley's most famous songs. You know... "Don't worry about a thing, 'cause every little thing gonna be alright." (To this day, this song still reminds me of the movie I AM LEGEND.) You can listen to the song here.
2.) "Stones Under Rushing Water" by NeedtoBreathe
I absolutely adore this song. This is probably my favorite song by NeedtoBreathe. It's relaxed and beautiful. I call this my "insomnia" song and often listen to it over and over again when I'm feeling anxious and stressed out to the point of not being able to sleep. Check it out on YouTube here... but this is a song I would most definitely recommend you add to your playlist.
3.) "Man in the Mirror" by Michael Jackson
Yes, I am a huge fan of Michael Jackson. "Man in the Mirror" is one of my favorite songs by him. It's actually the song I used to help win Ali over when I was trying to convince her to like Michael Jackson. I love its chorus. "I'm starting with the man in the mirror. I'm asking him to change his ways. No message could have been any clearer. If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make that change." The music video is pretty great as well.
4.) "Dynamite" by Taio Cruz
I love this song. It's very fun and light-hearted... and surprisingly clean for a popular song. The music video contains some girls wearing immodest outfits, so here's a link to the song with lyrics.
5.) "Super Trouper" by Superchick
This is such a random song to have on here and it's kind of old, but I still like it, so I keep it on my playlist. Superchick was my number one favorite band in middle school and I got the chance to meet them all a few years ago. They were super sweet and a lot of fun. Super Trouper is basically a song holding a friend accountable and asking them to step out of apathy and try to make a difference in the world. "Let's go light the world up. Let's not wait until the end to be the things we wish we'd been." My favorite lyric in the song is: "I'm sorry that I'm getting on your case, but true friends, they stab you in the face." I love that! Check it out here.
6.) "You Lead" by Jamie-Grace
If you've heard of Jamie-Grace, whose first album just came out a month ago, you have probably heard her first single "Hold Me" with TobyMac. I've been following this talented girl for a couple of years now on her YouTube channel and was so excited when she got a record contract with Gotee Records. This song is great. "I've got waves that are tossing me, crashing all over my beliefs, and in all sincerity, Lord, I want to be Yours. So pull me out of this mess I'm in, 'cause I know I'm wandering. Lead me soul back home again. I've always been Yours." While every single song on her album is pretty fantastic, a couple of my favorites are "With You" and "1945." Check "You Lead" out right here.
7.) "Life is Good" by Stellar Kart
Okay, to be honest... I can't stand Stellar Kart. Yes, I saw them in concert and even met them and they were nice guys. Yes, I have tried to listen to a full album. No, I still don't like their music. This is the only song by them that I enjoy... and it's so fun. "Life is good. Eternal life is better" is basically the entire song. But it's fun. I'll give it that. Here's the song.
8.) "Someone Like You" by ADELE
I adore this song. It's so beautiful... Ali and I lip-synced to it on a silly video on my YouTube channel. It's one of my favorite songs right now and I'd really like to play it on the piano. Adele is a fantastic secular artist. Here's the song. I also like Sam Tsui's version, which you can check out here.
9.) "Cannons" by Phil Wickham
Phil Wickham is great. I got the chance to see him a couple of different times in concert. He has written some great songs like "Divine Romance" and "Mystery," but "Cannons" is another amazing worship song. "You are holy, great, and mighty. The moon and the stars declare who You are. I'm so unworthy but still You love me. Forever my heart will sing of how great You are." Check the song out here.
10.) "Thoughts of You" by Barlowgirl
I'm not a big fan of Barlowgirl like I once was, but a few of their old songs still make it to my playlist. This is one of them. "Thoughts of You" is one of my very favorite worship songs. I think it's stunning and often describes exactly how I feel when I'm in prayer. Here are some of the lyrics: "God, I never could repay You. You gave everything. Without You, where would I be? You still loved me even when I pushed You away. You stood there and waited 'til the day I returned. So even though I've tried to express my thanks, it never comes out how I hoped. I want to say so much more, so with these simple words, I'll try. I love You. My heart is Yours, only Yours. I long to give You all of me, my everything, my everything." Beautiful, right? Check it out here.
What ten songs came up on your shuffle?
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November 22, 2011 2:00 PM
Tags: I have odd musical tastes sometimes
Posted by
Emily Whelchel
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Music, My Life
Day 6: Instruments you play (or want to play).
I love music, but unfortunately, being a musician isn't a strong talent the Lord has given me. However, I know how to play a couple of instruments and I even write some music, which you can check out here.
I play the acoustic guitar. It is my favorite instrument. I brought my precious acoustic guitar to college and play it every day I'm free. I'm not great at it and I don't know all the chords, but it soothes my soul. I think my favorite instrument of all times would have to be the acoustic guitar.
I also play the piano. I'm really, really not good at this instrument, but I know bits and pieces. For example, I can play "Never Alone" by Barlowgirl, which is my proudest accomplishment, I think. Mostly, I can play chords, so I know how to play most of the songs I've written on piano. My parents got me a keyboard a while back, which sits proudly in my room back at home. I'm sure I'm very shabby at it now since I haven't touched the thing for months. But I do love the sound of piano.
And finally, I wish I could play the electric guitar. I have one and I love it to pieces, but I struggle with it. It's on my bucket list, however, to learn how to play it one day. So I will. Someday. The Newsboys signed my electric guitar, so it's one of my most treasured possessions now.
All of these pictures are so old...
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November 20, 2011 3:00 PM
Tags: do you play instruments?
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Emily Whelchel
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Music, My Life, Tough Stuff
I wrote a song a few days ago on a day when my emotions and frustration felt nearly overwhelming. Over the last couple of weeks, I have been dealing with some things that have broken my heart again and again. This experience continues to show me how small I am and how big God is.
I really want to write a whole post about this, but unfortunately, I do not have the time today to truly write out my heart, so instead, I will be sharing the song I wrote, temporarily titled "College Life." Perhaps in a few days, I will be able to set aside the time to spill out my heart and describe how the Lord has encouraged me so much these last couple of weeks.
The song is on YouTube, so you can check it out here.
College Life
I've been away for quite a while.
I'm living life with a brand new smile.
I've made some friends. I've learned some things.
It's true.
I'm finding myself. I'm growing up.
I've learned to live on Your sweet love.
Your presence, God, is just enough.
Just You. All I need is You.
'Cause when I'm lonely, You lift me up,
When I'm empty, You fill my cup,
When I'm broken, You're just enough for me.
When my family is far away, You lead me to a brighter day.
It's true. The One I need is You.
You're the only constant that remains.
You see me through my every day.
The good, the bad, the in-between,
It's true.
Sometimes I miss my life back home,
While living here outside my comfort zone.
I know I'm not alone. I've got You.
All I need is You.
'Cause when I'm lonely, You lift me up.
When I'm empty, You fill my cup.
When I'm broken, You're just enough for me.
When my family is far away, You bring me to a brighter day.
It's true. The One I need is You.
College life is not the easiest.
Your love means so much more than this.
You hold each precious tear.
And with You at my side,
There's no need for me to ever hide.
You take my every fear.
'Cause when I'm lonely, You lift me up.
When I'm empty, You fill my cup.
When I'm broken, You're just enough for me.
When my family is far away, You bring me to a brighter day.
It's true. The One I need is You.
It's true. All I need is You.
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November 11, 2011 11:11 AM
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Emily Whelchel
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Music, Poetry
This is a song I found in one of my notebooks that I brought from home. I'm not exactly sure when I wrote it, but it's probably around two years old. I still vaguely remember the tune.
Break Me
My future is unsure. I am blinded.
My heart is faltering. I need guidance.
My plans are all laid out in my weak, human mind.
Why do I not trust Yours, even when I know You're right?
I know You have many plans for me.
What they are, I don't know, but I guess I'll wait and see,
And when I pull away, try to plan my dreams,
Break me, Lord. Fill my heart
With who You want me to be,
With who You want me to be.
I am trembling. Life without You
Is harder than I thought. God, I need You.
I can't believe I ever thought I knew enough.
I need Your love. I need Your love.
I know You have many plans for me.
What they are, I don't know,
So I guess I'll wait and see.
And when I pull away, try to plan my dreams,
Break me, Lord. Fill my heart
With who You want me to be,
With who You want me to be.
Take control of my life with Your burning, searing flame.
Renew my love for You so I will never be the same.
Make whole my breaking heart. Hold me in Your hands.
Form my life. Form my future. Place me in Your plans.
I know You have many plans for me.
What they are, I don't know,
So I guess I'll wait and see.
And when I pull away, try to plan my dreams,
Break me, Lord. Fill my heart
With who You want me to be,
With who You want me to be.
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October 23, 2011 1:00 AM
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Emily Whelchel
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M: Music
For music, I thought I'd go old school and make an artist review like I used to do all the time. Today I'll be reviewing Colbie Caillat's latest album, "All of You." I'll try not to be biased, since I'm a fan of Colbie Caillat's music. I love the tone of her voice and the peaceful feel to all of her songs. I was excited when my dad mentioned she just came out with a new album. Since she is a secular artist and her songs tend to be very clean, I was eager to see if this album would be the same way.
A huge smile came over my face when "Brighter than the Sun" first came on. I love the cheerful rhythm. It's such a happy song, which I love. However, I was disappointed after I heard the d-word in the second verse. "Brighter than the Sun" is about a girl who is surprised that she is fallen so quickly in love with a guy. "Oh, this is how is starts, lightning strikes the heart. It goes off like a gun, brighter than the sun. Oh, we could be the stars, falling from the sky, shining how we want, brighter than the sun." While I love the cheery feel to the song, I didn't like the use of the d-word, so I'll have to give this particular song a thumbs down.
I love "I Do," a song about a girl who finally finds a guy who makes her want to say "I do." "It's always been about me, myself, and I. I thought relationships were nothing but a waste of time. I never wanted to be anybody's other half... That was the only way I knew 'til I met you. You make me want to say, 'I do. I do...'" This single was released a while back, but it still cheers me up. What I love the most about this song is that it's about a long-lasting love relationship that includes marriage. So many secular love songs don't seem to include that part. "Me, a family, a house, a family. Ooh, can we be a family? And when I'm eighty years old and sitting next to you..."
"Before I Let You Go" is about a girl whose significant other can't stop thinking about his ex, and the girl is ready to let him go. "'Cause you'er still so stuck in that life and I refuse to stay on this ride. 'Cause we're going 'round in circles. Aren't you tired of never having peace?" This wasn't my favorite song on the album because I didn't like the topic as much as the cheerier songs.
"What If" is a cute love song about a girl who has fallen in love and is imagining all of the wonderful things she hopes will come. Marriage is also mentioned in this song, which I like. "Picturing all our plans, I close my eyes and I can see you, and you ask, 'Will you marry me?'"
"Shadow" Is a more serious song on the album, written from the perspective of a girl who is about to leave her significant other. "If you want to leave, then just go, 'cause I can't get no sun in your shadow. If you ain't gonna love me and find me, then I'm gonna turn the other cheek and go."
"Think Good Thoughts" would have to be my absolute favorite song on this album. You can probably see why from the title itself. It's a song all about positivity and happiness. "Think Good Thoughts" starts out with a girl who is unhappy and finally becomes sick of her negativity. "I'm tired of the angry hanging out in me, so I'll quiet down the devil. I'm gonna knock him with a shovel, and I'll bury all my troubles underneath the rubble. When I'm alone in my dark, dark room, I'll have to think good thoughts, think good thoughts. Imagine what the world would be if we would just think good thoughts." I love the bridge, when Colbie sings, "I just think rain on a summer night, stars filling up the sky, sun shining on my face, making a secret wish, finding my happiness. This always makes me hold my head up high." If you're having an awful day, "Think Good Thoughts" is a happy song that will bring a smile to your face.
"Like Yesterday" is a song about a girl who once thought she could live without love and then found someone who she couldn't live without. It's a typical love song with pretty words. "In the starlight after dark, kissing in the pouring rain." Every girl's dream, right? I can't help but think of Spiderman. ;)
"All of You" made me think of the stereotypical persistant girlfriend. See if you can get why. "Tell me everything. Tell me every little thing and I won't run away. I want to hear your heart, every single beating part: the good and the bad. I swear I won't be mad. It's you I want. Just all of you." This isn't my favorite song on the album. Although I couldn't find any inappropriate lyrics, it still seemed a little shallow.
"Dream Life Life" is another laid back and cheerful song. It's about a girl who wants to sit back and enjoy life with her friends and loved ones. "All I want is a dream life life with the ones I love, playing all day long, laying back by the water slide with nowhere to go and the music on... Dear summer, will you find your way back home? I miss your golden kiss, how you warm my skin. Where did you go? Take all of my worries and burn them up."
I wasn't a huge fan of "What Means the Most." It's about a girl who, when asked if she was living her dream, wasn't sure until she realized that her true love is what means the most in her life, so she is living her dream. "What means the most to me is waking up to you, feel the morning breeze. You're my favorite thing. In love, coming home to your arms, when you kiss me hello. It's these simple things that mean the most to me." Obviously, from a Christian perspective, the Lord should always be what means the most. As a love song, "What Means the Most" is pretty and sweet, but it wasn't my favorite out of the album.
"Make It Rain" is a song about a girl who is in love and doesn't care what anybody else thinks. I love the rain, so its first verse brought a smile to my face. "I have seen when we run we make it rain. Let's keep going for miles, playing under darkened stormy skies." However, I don't like what she sings next. "Push me to the wall. Let them see, baby. I don't care at all. I'm not letting this go. Like a flower breaking through, we've grown together now." Of course, our lives shouldn't revolve around what others think, but I'm not a big fan of the whole "Who cares?" attitude and the lyrics I mentioned above seem to indicate a sexual relationship.
"Stereo" is a typical love song, but I think it's so pretty. "I want to hear you say you love me in both ears, just like guitars on the radio. So baby, baby, love me, love me in stereo... Let's take all the good times and put'em in a song. No matter where we are, we can both sing along."
I literally started laughing when I first heard "Favorite Song." It's featuring an artist called Common, who I've never heard of. I'm not sure what to think of the song, since it's so not Colbie Caillat, but it was definitely catchy. The song is about a girl who wants to be a guy's "favorite song," so she'll be stuck in his head all the time. "I want to be your melody, flowing through your head when you think of me. I want to be your favorite song." Probably the most bizarre part of this song is when Common starts to rap. I never thought I'd see the day when someone starts to rap during a Colbie Caillat song.
Overall, I like this album a lot and will be adding several of these songs to my playlist, including "Think Good Thoguhts," "Stereo," "I Do," and "Dream Life Life." However, I'll be keeping away from some songs like "Brighter than the Sun" and "Make It Rain."
I personally believe it is fine for a Christian to listen to secular music, so long as the lyrics do not take glory away from God. We need to remind ourselves constantly of Philippians 4:8, which says, "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things." And while I think it's just fine to listen to most of the songs on Colbie's album, remember to balance out listening to love songs and silly, fun songs with listening to worship songs as well.
July 26, 2011 1:00 AM
Tags: all of you, before i let you go, brighter than the sun, colbie caillat, common, dream life life, favorite song, i do, like yesterday, make it rain, music artist review, shadow, song lyrics, stereo, think good thoughts, what if, what means the most
Posted by
Emily Whelchel
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1. THUMBS UP: "Rolling in the Deep" by Adele
I've heard the name "Adele" many times recently, but I've personally never really heard her music before. I was pleasantly surprised when I heard "Rolling in the Deep." There isn't a single cuss word throughout the entire song, which is a rarity these days. There aren't any obvious sexual innuendos that I could find. Even the music video was very clean.
The song seems to be about a girl who has been misused by her significant other and is very angry and wistful about their breakup. The only part I really don't like about the song is the few mentions of revenge. "Finally, I can see you crystal clear. Go ahead and sell me out and I'll lay your ship bare. See how I'll leave with every piece of you. Don't underestimate the things that I will do."
However, overall I'm quite impressed with "Rolling in the Deep" and since it's in a style that I like, I may be adding this to my own personal playlist.
2. THUMBS DOWN: "Give Me Everything" by Pittbull (featuring Ne-Yo, AfroJack, and Nayer)
As you can probably tell from the title, "Give Me Everything" is a song almost entirely about sex. Nearly every verse talks about lust and sex. "Tonight, I want all of you tonight. Give me everything tonight. For all we know, we might not get tomorrow. Let's do it tonight." This makes me think of the worldly mindset discussed in Isaiah 22:13: "But see, there is joy and revelry... eating of meat and drinking of wine! 'Let us eat and drink,' you say, 'for tomorrow we die!'"
"Give Me Everything" comes from the whole "I don't care--do what feels good" perspective that seems to run so rampant these days. "Excuse me, but I might drink a little bit more than I should tonight and I might take you home with me if I could tonight. And baby, I'm-a make you feel so good tonight, 'cause we might not get tomorrow." Do you see what I mean? There is also reference to very casual sex. "Grab somebody sexy and tell'em hey! Give me everything tonight." My overall opinion of this song is disgust. I can't find anything redeemable here. Thumbs down.
3. THUMBS DOWN: "Party Rock Anthem" by LMFAO (featuring Lauren Bennett and GoonRock)
Honestly, I didn't even realize that LMFAO was a band until I saw the Billboard list. I'm not a big fan of their name, considering that LMFAO means, "Laughing My F******* A** Off" in text talk. I looked up the lyrics to this song and only felt disappointed. The first few lines seemed absolutely pointless and fairly harmless: "Party rock is in the house tonight. Everybody just have a good time and we gonna make you lose your mind. Everybody just have a good time." After that, however, the lyrics began to spiral downwards.
Girls are mentioned several times in a disrespectful way. "Yo, I'm running through these hos like Drano... Step up fast and be the first girl to make me throw this cash." Misuse of alcohol is also discussed: "One more shot for us, another round. Please fill up my cup. Don't mess around. We just wanna see you shake it now. Now you wanna be, you're naked now."
No, I'm not a fan of the lyrics to "Party Rock Anthem." I get that this must be the new anthem for wild parties, but for those of us who are striving to listen to what is pure and noble, this isn't it. Instead, all I see is negativity towards women and a "Who cares what people think? Let's party!" attitude. This is not who God made us to become.
4. THUMBS DOWN: "Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)" by Katy Perry
I've already heard this song all over the internet and even seen the music video, which features the infamous Rebecca Black, singer of "Friday."
Despite the "fun" persona of the song, I cannot stand the lyrics. The song is about a girl who wakes up on Saturday to remember what a crazy time she had partying the night before. The song makes getting drunk and going wild seem so cool. From the first lyric, we realize what the singer has done: "There's a stranger in my bed. There's a pounding in my head... I smell like a minibar. DJ's passed out in the yard... There's a hickie or a bruise. Pictures of last night ended up online. I'm screwed. Oh, well. It's a blacktop blur, but I'm pretty sure it ruled." And it goes on and on, describing the crazy activities of last Friday night and making them sound like a blast.
The music video is even worse. It starts out with Katy Perry dressed as the stereotypical high school outcast with braces, headgear, huge glasses taped in the middle, and geeky clothing. She wakes up with a hot guy in her bed, right before a guy bursts in and congratulates her for hosting the best party ever. Throughout the video, Katy Perry flashes back from the night before, where Rebecca Black helped her transform into a beautiful girl wearing skimpy clothing, being fought over by guys, and becoming popular. It makes Katy Perry's night of partying without her parents home seem cool. In fact, the party seems like it helped Katy Perry become popular, beautiful, and fun. At the end of the movie, when Katy Perry's parents return home, they don't seem to mind that she trashed the house and got drunk with her high school classmates.
I hate the moral of this video. Partying with so much alcohol and casual sex should never be considered a good thing. Considering that Rebecca Black is... what, fourteen?... it seems like this song is directed towards a younger audience, which doesn't make sense. Honestly, I can't find anything good about this song. I'm not sure why ANYONE would want to add it to their playlist.
5. THUMBS DOWN: "E.T." by Katy Perry (featuring Kanye West)
This song is definitely interesting. The song is apparently about a girl who falls in love with a guy whose love is so amazing, it is extraterrestrial. "Boy, you're an alien, your touch so foreign. It's supernatural, extraterrestrial." The worst parts of the song by far come from Kanye West. In a quick verse that lasts only about thirty seconds, he manages to say the a-word, f-word and shares at least two obvious lines referencing sex. Katy Perry also shares some lines that made me feel uncomfortable. "I wanna walk on your wave length and be there when you vibrate. For you, I'll risk it all." The entire song seems to be made up of sexual undertones. And even in the chorus-- "your touch so foreign"-- the song seems to be revolving around lust.
"Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me. Infect me with your love and fill me with your poison. Take me, ta-ta-take me. Wanna be a victim. Ready for abduction." I don't like how Katy Perry is describing love as a poison or infection. You shouldn't feel like a victim when you fall in love. Love isn't victimizing and no girl should ever be victimized by love. While I know Katy Perry is only using those words as a figure of speech, I still don't like the wording. I'm going to give the song a thumbs down.
This song reminds me of a Christian song by Group 1 Crew called "Outta Space Love." You can listen to it here.
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June 30, 2011 1:00 AM
Tags: adele, afrojack, billboard top 10, christian review of songs, e.t., friday, give me everything, goonrock, kanye west, katy perry, last friday night, lauren bennett, lmfao, nayer, ne-yo, party rock anthem, pittbull, popular songs, rebecca black, rolling in the deep, tgif
Posted by
Emily Whelchel
| Filed under
1. THUMBS UP: "Rolling in the Deep" by Adele
I've heard the name "Adele" many times recently, but I've personally never really heard her music before. I was pleasantly surprised when I heard "Rolling in the Deep." There isn't a single cuss word throughout the entire song, which is a rarity these days. There aren't any obvious sexual innuendos that I could find. Even the music video was very clean.
The song seems to be about a girl who has been misused by her significant other and is very angry and wistful about their breakup. The only part I really don't like about the song is the few mentions of revenge. "Finally, I can see you crystal clear. Go ahead and sell me out and I'll lay your ship bare. See how I'll leave with every piece of you. Don't underestimate the things that I will do."
However, overall I'm quite impressed with "Rolling in the Deep" and since it's in a style that I like, I may be adding this to my own personal playlist.
2. THUMBS DOWN: "Give Me Everything" by Pitbull (featuring Ne-Yo, AfroJack, and Nayer)
As you can probably tell from the title, "Give Me Everything" is a song almost entirely about sex. Nearly every verse talks about lust and sex. "Tonight, I want all of you tonight. Give me everything tonight. For all we know, we might not get tomorrow. Let's do it tonight." This makes me think of the worldly mindset discussed in Isaiah 22:13: "But see, there is joy and revelry... eating of meat and drinking of wine! 'Let us eat and drink,' you say, 'for tomorrow we die!'"
"Give Me Everything" comes from the whole "I don't care--do what feels good" perspective that seems to run so rampant these days. "Excuse me, but I might drink a little bit more than I should tonight and I might take you home with me if I could tonight. And baby, I'm-a make you feel so good tonight, 'cause we might not get tomorrow." Do you see what I mean? There is also reference to very casual sex. "Grab somebody sexy and tell'em hey! Give me everything tonight." My overall opinion of this song is disgust. I can't find anything redeemable here. Thumbs down.
3. THUMBS DOWN: "E.T." by Katy Perry (featuring Kanye West)
This song is definitely interesting. The song is apparently about a girl who falls in love with a guy whose love is so amazing, it is extraterrestrial. "Boy, you're an alien, your touch so foreign. It's supernatural, extraterrestrial." The worst parts of the song by far come from Kanye West. In a quick verse that lasts only about thirty seconds, he manages to say the a-word, f-word and shares at least two obvious lines referencing sex. Katy Perry also shares some lines that made me feel uncomfortable. "I wanna walk on your wave length and be there when you vibrate. For you, I'll risk it all." The entire song seems to be made up of sexual undertones. And even in the chorus-- "your touch so foreign"-- the song seems to be revolving around lust.
"Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me. Infect me with your love and fill me with your poison. Take me, ta-ta-take me. Wanna be a victim. Ready for abduction." I don't like how Katy Perry is describing love as a poison or infection. You shouldn't feel like a victim when you falls in love. Love isn't victimizing and no girl should ever be victimized by love. While I know Katy Perry is only using those words as a figure of speech, I still don't like the wording. I'm going to give the song a thumbs down.
This song reminds me of a Christian song by Group 1 Crew called "Outta Space Love." You can listen to it here.
4. THUMBS DOWN: "The Lazy Song" by Bruno Mars
When I first heard this song, without paying attention to the lyrics, I couldn't help but smile. It's catchy, it's cheery, and it's a style of song I enjoy. But then I stopped to listen to what I was hearing and I was unpleasantly surprised... so much so that I had to give this song a thumbs down. There is an explicit reference to sex that I don't feel comfortable sharing on my blog, along with mention of masturbation. On a somewhat lesser scale, the song in itself doesn't actually have that positive of a message. "Yeah, I might mess around and get my college degree. I bet my old man will be so proud of me. But sorry, pops, you'll just have to wait. Oh yes, I said it. I said it. I said it 'cause I can." There is also an odd and inappropriate reference to Bruno Mars walking around naked: "I'll just strut in my birthday suit and let everything hang loose."
The music video is very bizarre, featuring dancing chimps and Bruno Mars in his bedroom, but several of their dance moves were a little iffy as well. And to top everything off, I'm just not a fan of the whole "apathetic" attitude. We were created for greatness, not the things that Bruno Mars describes, like laziness, lust, and rebellion. I'm sad to say that I'm not a fan of this song. At all.
5. THUMBS DOWN: "On the Floor" by Jennifer Lopez (featuring Pittbull)
I wasn't a big fan of most of the immodest outfits in the music video to this song. In fact, I made my little brother look away for most of the video when we watched it together on American Idol a while back. "On the Floor" is basically a dance song with a catchy beat, but I'm not a big fan of its content.
Pitt Bull uses some dirty slang that I don't want to repeat on my blog. Drug use is mentioned. "All I need is some vodka and some chunka coke." Drinking is mentioned several times and in a way that's more about getting drunk than drinking in moderation. "Don't stop. Get it moving. Put your drinks up. It's getting ill. It's getting sick on the floor." Nothing about this song seems very positive or uplifting. I wouldn't recommend that you add it to your playlist.
From the same Group 1 Crew album as I mentioned before, perhaps you could try out "Live It Up" instead, which you can listen to here.
No Comments |
June 17, 2011 1:00 AM
Tags: adele, afrojack, billboard top 10 review, bruno mars, christian music review, e.t., give me everything, ish, jennifer lopez, kanye west, katy perry, nayer, ne-yo, on the floor, pitbull, rolling in the deep, the lazy song, thumbs down, thumbs up
Posted by
Emily Whelchel
| Filed under
I enjoyed writing reviews for the Billboard Top 10 a few months ago, and although I took a break because the charts weren't changing much, I thought I'd try it again. Here are your reviews of the top five songs on the Billboard Hot 100.
1.) THUMBS UP: "Rolling in the Deep" by Adele
I've heard the name "Adele" many times recently, but I've personally never really heard her music before. I was pleasantly surprised when I heard "Rolling in the Deep." There isn't a single cuss word throughout the entire song, which is a rarity these days. There aren't any obvious sexual innuendos that I could find. Even the music video was very clean.
The song seems to be about a girl who has been misused by her significant other and is very angry and wistful about their breakup. The only part I really don't like about the song is the few mentions of revenge. "Finally, I can see you crystal clear. Go ahead and sell me out and I'll lay your ship bare. See how I'll leave with every piece of you. Don't underestimate the things that I will do."
However, overall I'm quite impressed with "Rolling in the Deep" and since it's in a style that I like, I may be adding this to my own personal playlist.
2.) THUMBS DOWN: "E.T." by Katy Perry (featuring Kanye West)
This song is definitely interesting. The song is apparently about a girl who falls in love with a guy whose love is so amazing, it is extraterrestrial. "Boy, you're an alien, your touch so foreign. It's supernatural, extraterrestrial." The worst parts of the song by far come from Kanye West. In a quick verse that lasts only about thirty seconds, he manages to say the a-word, f-word and shares at least two obvious lines referencing sex. Katy Perry also shares some lines that made me feel uncomfortable. "I wanna walk on your wave length and be there when you vibrate. For you, I'll risk it all." The entire song seems to be made up of sexual undertones. And even in the chorus-- "your touch so foreign"-- the song seems to be revolving around lust.
"Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me. Infect me with your love and fill me with your poison. Take me, ta-ta-take me. Wanna be a victim. Ready for abduction." I don't like how Katy Perry is describing love as a poison or infection. You shouldn't feel like a victim when you falls in love. Love isn't victimizing and no girl should ever be victimized by love. While I know Katy Perry is only using those words as a figure of speech, I still don't like the wording. I'm going to give the song a thumbs down.
This song reminds me of a Christian song by Group 1 Crew called "Outta Space Love." You can listen to it here.
3.) THUMBS DOWN: "Give Me Everything" by Pitbull (featuring Ne-Yo, AfroJack, and Nayer)
As you can probably tell from the title, "Give Me Everything" is a song almost entirely about sex. Nearly every verse talks about lust and sex. "Tonight, I want all of you tonight. Give me everything tonight. For all we know, we might not get tomorrow. Let's do it tonight." This makes me think of the worldly mindset discussed in Isaiah 22:13: "But see, there is joy and revelry... eating of meat and drinking of wine! 'Let us eat and drink,' you say, 'for tomorrow we die!'"
"Give Me Everything" comes from the whole "I don't care--do what feels good" perspective that seems to run so rampant these days. "Excuse me, but I might drink a little bit more than I should tonight and I might take you home with me if I could tonight. And baby, I'm-a make you feel so good tonight, 'cause we might not get tomorrow." Do you see what I mean? There is also reference to very casual sex. "Grab somebody sexy and tell'em hey! Give me everything tonight." My overall opinion of this song is disgust. I can't find anything redeemable here. Thumbs down.
4.) THUMBS DOWN: "Just Can't Get Enough" by The Black Eyed Peas
This is a very catchy song. I noticed that once I looked it up, the melody remained stuck in my head for a while. However, the lyrics aren't great. There is only one cuss word and it's "minor": the d-word, but several of the lyrics talk about casual sex and an addiction to a significant other. "Honey, got a sexy, all steamin'. She givin' hotness a new meanin'. Perfection, Mama, you gleamin'... D***, baby, I'm feignin'... Let me love you down this evening. Love you, love you, yeah, you know you are my demon."
Obviously, lust is heavily discussed in this song, but I also don't like the moral that it's okay to be addicted to a lover, that they mean more to you than anything else in the world. The Lord should be the only thing that takes that place and while this is obviously not a Christian song, it isn't a message with which we should fill our thoughts. I'm afraid I can't give this song a thumbs up, no matter how catchy it is.
5.) THUMBS DOWN: "On the Floor" by Jennifer Lopez (featuring Pitbull)
I wasn't a big fan of most of the immodest outfits in the music video to this song. In fact, I made my little brother look away for most of the video when we watched it together on American Idol a while back. "On the Floor" is basically a dance song with a catchy beat, but I'm not a big fan of its content.
Pitt Bull uses some dirty slang that I don't want to repeat on my blog. Drug use is mentioned. "All I need is some vodka and some chunka coke." Drinking is mentioned several times and in a way that's more about getting drunk than drinking in moderation. "Don't stop. Get it moving. Put your drinks up. It's getting ill. It's getting sick on the floor." Nothing about this song seems very positive or uplifting. I wouldn't recommend that you add it to your playlist.
From the same Group 1 Crew album as I mentioned before, perhaps you could try out "Live It Up" instead, which you can listen to here.
Well, not as great as I was hoping, but at least there is one thumbs up this week.
June 4, 2011 1:00 AM
Tags: adele, afrojack, billboard, billboard charts, e.t., give me everything, hot 100, jennifer lopez, jlo, just can't get enough, kanye west, katy perry, music reviews, nayer, ne-yo, on the floor, pitbull, rolling in the deep, the black eyed peas, top 10
Posted by
Emily Whelchel
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Music, My Life
Day 9: What song has moved you recently?Songs constantly move me, but one that has re-captured my attention lately is "Say It" by Britt Nicole. The lyrics have been tugging at my heart, so I think there is a message God has for me somewhere in this song.
Say It
Okay, so I'm gonna say it.
I'm not afraid to say it.
The clocks on my wall keep ticking,
The moments that I keep missing.
Okay, so I must confess now,
I've settled for so much less than
What You designed.
I'm not taking my life one day at a time.
'Cause life is short and quickly passing by.
Father, will You help me make the most of what is mine?
With eyes opened wide, I'm taking You in,
Making the time mean all that it can.
I don't need a sign. I just need to begin.
With every second of every minute,
I've living in it and that's how I say it.
I've got so much to discover,
A hand I could lend another,
A word that could bring some healing.
Is there any better feeling?
Hold up, gotta see the beauty.
Hold up, gotta let it move me.
I want to be here with You in the now.
I'm done missing out.
Let me fall in Your arms.
Resting here in Your arms, I found...
A peace like I have never known, like I have never known.
Counting every star,
Nothing's ever too far with You here.
I see it all so clear.
Pretty, isn't it?
What song has got you thinking lately?
March 30, 2011 1:00 AM
Tags: 30 day blog challenge, britt nicole, say it, song lyrics
Posted by
Emily Whelchel
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Tonight was a great night for American Idol, I thought. The performances improved a lot over last week.
I Voted For...
- Pia Toscano
- Jacob Lusk
- Scotty McCreery
- Paul McDonald
- Lauren Alaina (I'm not ready to see her go home quite yet)
The Ups
- The second I found out that this week was Motown, I thought about Jacob Lusk. His voice is perfect for this style of music. Sure enough, he blew everyone away. He even got a standing ovation by all three judges. Come on... Steven Tyler even jumped onstage to give Jacob a hug (along with every other girl in the front row, thanks to Ryan Seacrest). But there is no doubt in my mind that Jacob left a big mark up there this week.
- James Durbin was great, as always. I don't have much to say about his performance. Is it weird that even his great performances are starting to become "meh" for me? His long screams are crazy good, but they happen every week. I'd like to see something new. However, he was honestly good, so I didn't have the heart to put him in the "meh" category of this post.
- Pia Toscano could win this thing. She can sing like no other. Her pitch is perfect, she's drop dead gorgeous, and she has stage presence. I can't believe someone didn't discover her before American Idol.
- I never thought I'd say this, but I loved Scotty McCreery's country rendition of "For Once in My Life." I don't like country music, but that's what Scotty is made to sing. Why perform songs that aren't you? Scotty made a Motown song him, and that is respectable, whether or not that was his best performance.
- I don't know why I'm not incredibly impressed by Haley Reinhart. She's pretty. She has a good voice and a unique style. None of her performances "wow" me or make me leap from my seat. I don't know. She just didn't have "it" tonight.
- Lauren Alaina did a good job. She truly did. I loved the way she stood up against the people who have put her down over the last week and she looked gorgeous tonight. However, while her performance was lovely, it didn't stand out enough to make "The Ups" this week. Maybe next time.
- Paul McDonald did pretttty good... but not good enough, in my opinion. Paul is unique and marketable. I would buy his album. But I found myself zoning out towards the middle of this song. It seemed just a little boring for a Paul McDonald performance. His amazing stage presence seemed a little out of whack tonight.
- Oh, Stefano Langone. I just don't see what people love about him. His songs are so average to me. This one included. This one especially.
The Downs
- I used to be a fascinated (although reluctant) fan of Casey Abrams. However, the last two weeks, I haven't been impressed by his performances at all. I'm starting to wonder if he can even sing. He growls, he shrieks, he screams, but I haven't heard him sing well in a long time. Perhaps he's forgotten how.
- I enjoyed Naima Adedapo's African dance, but her vocals are terrible. They're pitchy, and she has a very small range. I am not impressed with Naima's singing, which is what this competition is about.
- Thia Megia is a sweetheart. She's beautiful and has a great, relaxing voice. I commend her for following the judges' advice and singing an uptempo song tonight. However, she just doesn't have the "it" factor. Even Thia's rendition of "Heat Wave" seemed a little dull to me. I honestly think she auditioned too young. She hasn't found herself yet.
Bottom Three
- Naima Adedapo
- Haley Reinhart
- Thia Megia
Going Home...
This is a tough one, but I'm going to guess Naima again this week. She needs to go home. My second choice would be Haley.
What do YOU think?
All images used in this entry belong to FOX.
1 Comment |
March 23, 2011 9:57 PM
Tags: american idol, american idol predictions, casey abrams, haley reinhart, jacob lusk, james durbin, jennifer lopez, lauren alaina, motown, naima adedapo, paul mcdonald, pia toscano, randy jackson, ryan seacrest, scotty mccreery, stefano langone, steven tyler, thia megia, top 10, top 11
Posted by
Emily Whelchel
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So American Idol tonight wasn't as good as I hoped. Many of the contestants let me down.
Tonight's highs...
- Pia Toscano has not yet failed to impress. She has a phenomenal voice and pulled off the Whitney Houston song with skill. She was one of the best of the night.
- Lauren Alaina made a huge improvement from last week, despite the fact that she had the flu. This song was a great choice for her range.
- Scotty McCreery had a better performance this week as well. I'll admit that his style of music is not what I like, but he is talented at what he sings.
- I can't stand Stefano Langone. I'm not sure why, but his voice just grates in my mind. I don't like him at all. However, he seemed to be the guy who brought a night of lousy performances up to a higher standard. He did well, I'll admit.
Some were just meh...
- Poor Paul McDonald. He's sick, so he was a bit hoarse and you could tell. I loved his rendition of Elton John's song... but I wasn't loving his squeaky voice tonight.
- I didn't love Haley Reinhart's performance, but I didn't hate it either. I did feel bad for her when she realized she'd had a lipstick smear on her chin for most of the performance. Poor girl.
- James Durbin didn't impress me much tonight.
- Karen Rodriguez was okay, but she still strains too much when she tries to sing very high. And did anyone notice that she was saying in the interview that she wants to stray away from singing in Spanish... and then she sang part of the song in Spanish? Hmm... Overall, she has a nice voice, but she doesn't have the "it" factor. There isn't anything about her that stands out. She did look like she came from Star Trek tonight though.
- I feel bad for Thia Megia, to be honest. I think she auditioned for American Idol much too young. She hasn't found herself yet, so none of her songs have been very impressive so far.
And the lows...
- I usually love Casey Abrams. He's a true artist who knows how to shake things up. However, I couldn't stand this performance. He screamed the whole song and hardly sang a note. He didn't come close to the original.
- Jacob Lusk seems like one of the sweetest contestant and his mom is awesome, but his song choice was awful tonight. Jacob needs to stick with gospel music. His performance was incredibly pitchy. It made me cringe a few times.
- Naima Adedapo has not impressed me so far. Her vocal range is incredibly limited. I felt like she was singing karaoke while listening to her performance, not like she was a contestant on American Idol. Come on, Naima. You can do better than that.
I voted for...
- Lauren Alaina
- Paul McDonald... he deserves another chance.
- Pia Toscano
- Scotty McCreery
- Casey Abrams
I predict the bottom three will be...
- Naima Adedapo
- Thia Megia
- Haley Reinhart
And going home...
I predict that Naima will go home. Her performances haven't been too impressive lately.
March 16, 2011 11:05 PM
Tags: american idol, casey abrams, haley reinhart, jacob lusk, james durbin, jennifer lopez, jlo, karen rodriguez, lauren alaina, naima adedapo, paul mcdonald, pia toscano, randy jackson, ryan seacrest, scotty mccreery, stefano langone, steven tyler, thia megia, top 12
Posted by
Emily Whelchel
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The Top 10 Billboard hits don't change much each week, but I'll go ahead and review what I haven't already. If there isn't a short review under a song, that means I've reviewed it in the past.
Honestly, guys, I absolutely hate having to "thumbs down" all of these songs. I mean, all of the songs in the top five are thumbs down. That's ridiculous and it hurts a little to have to put down so much popular music. But when you read the lyrics to the songs, there's no other way. I can't give a thumbs up to a gay pride song or to a song with the f-word in the title or to a song entirely about casual sex and lust. I just can't.
I don't like the stereotype that Christians can't listen to any popular secular music. I listen to a lot of secular music. But what's the most popular right now isn't positive or appropriate. Whatsoever. That makes me sad.
1. THUMBS DOWN: "Born This Way" by Lady Gaga
2. THUMBS DOWN: "F*** You (Forget You)" by Cee Lo Green
3. THUMBS DOWN: "S&M" by Rihanna
4. THUMBS DOWN: "F**kin Perfect" By P!nk
5. THUMBS DOWN: "On the Floor" by Jennifer Lopez
6. ISH: "Grenade" by Bruno Mars
7. ISH: "Blow" by Ke$ha
First of all, I love the beat to this song. Amazing dance beats just get to me. When I first saw the title to this song, I'll admit I started to feel nervous, but in some ways, I was pleasantly surprised.
I wasn't a big fan of the first verse, that said, "Drink that Kool-Aid. Follow my lead. Now you're one of us," after the cult massacre that happened in Waco a while back I don't like the idea that partying with Kesha is compared to giving up your free will and joining a cult of sorts. Several times in the song, it says, "Let me see them Hanes." Since Hanes is a brand of underwear, I don't like that at all. And finally, I don't like what seems to be the major theme of this song: partying and not caring what anybody else thinks. "We're taking control. We get what we want. We do what you don't." That's a self-centered, apathetic attitude that can only bring eventual harm to yourself and to those around you.
Overall, however, I'm going to give the song an "ish." While I'm not a huge fan of several of the lyrics, Kesha abstained from cussing and explicit sexual references, which is better than a lot of her songs. The song is catchy but not downright dirty. I'll leave it up to you to decide whether or not you'd like to add it to your playlist.
8. ISH: "E.T." by Katy Perry, featuring Kanye West
9. THUMBS DOWN: "Tonight (I'm Lovin' You" by Enrique Iglesias
10. THUMBS UP: "Firework" by Katy Perry
March 14, 2011 11:55 AM
Tags: billboard, blow, born this way, bruno mars, cee lo green, e.t., enrique iglesias, f you, firework, fking perfect, forget you, grenade, jennifer lopez, kanye west, katy perry, ke$ha, kesha, lady gaga, on the floor, P!nk, pink, rihanna, s&M;, tonight i'm lovin you, top 10 music reviews
Posted by
Emily Whelchel
| Filed under
American Idol was last night, as you may have noticed. If you tuned in last night, raise your hand. Awesome, I did too.
I voted for...
- Pia Toscano
- Paul McDonald
- Casey Abrams
- Lauren Alaina
- Jacob Lusk
There were some highlights of the night.
- Pia Toscano was phenomenal. She pulled off that Celine song like it was nothing. Her range is crazy-good.
- I thought Paul McDonald was great too. Quirky, but great. I love his funny outfits, dance moves, and huge smile. His voice is very recognizable and his style is unique as well. If I heard him on the radio, I'd recognize his voice immediately.
- Casey Abrams was amazing, as usual, although I thought he was trying too hard to sound like Joe Cocker.
- Haley Reinhart was surprisingly good. I haven't liked many of her performances in the past. I love her diversity. Alicia Keys to LeAnne Rhimes. She can also yodel, interestingly enough.
- I don't like James Durbin much as a person, but I do like his diversity and his amazing range. He pulled off Paul McCartney's song with ease.
There were some "okays."
- I absolutely adore Jacob Lusk. His personality makes him seem perfectly lovable. He's the kind of guy I would want to make friends with in real life. However, his rendition of "I Believe I Can Fly" was too shrieky. It seemed like he screamed the entire thing instead of using his amazing vocal skills.
- Lauren Alaina is one of my favorites for this season. She's young, beautiful, and has a perfect country voice. However, tonight just didn't work for her. Choosing one of Shania Twain's most famous songs of all times was probably a bad idea. Luckily, Lauren has a lot of fans, so I think she'll pull through.
- Naima Adedapo is unique, but she doesn't seem to have a great vocal range. She sang "Umbrella" in a croppy way when she should have used vibrato and I actually wasn't that big of a fan of her dancing. I did enjoy the rapping though.
- Scotty McCreery is adorable. I'm not a big fan of country music, but he has a pure voice, a cute face, and a sweet personality. However, I didn't feel it tonight. It just didn't work for me.
- I'm not sure why Jennifer Lopez loves Stefano Langone as much as she does. His voice isn't original enough for me and his performance just didn't stand out in my eyes. Someone needs to teach him not to make funny faces when he sings as well, as they are a bit distracting.
I think the bottom three this week will be...
- Thia Megia. I feel bad for Thia because I think she joined the competition too young. She's beautiful and she has a beautiful voice, but she's done nothing but bore me so far. She doesn't seem to have her own style yet and she hasn't shown us anything about her personality. Tonight's song was a bit dull.
- Karen Rodriguez. I loved her song last week, but tonight, she seemed strained. I can understand why the producer warned her to not talk on the phone (and thus strain her voice). Her range didn't seem big enough for her song. She's a sleepy singer. I found myself zoning out when she started to sing.
- Ashthon Jones. Ashthon seems like a genuinely nice person, but I think she thinks her voice is bigger than it is. She couldn't pull of the Diana Ross song. There isn't much of a pleasant tone to her voice. I can't imagine ever buying her album.
Agree with me? Disagree?
Who did you vote for?
1 Comment |
March 10, 2011 1:00 AM
Tags: american idol, ashthon jones, casey abrams, haley reinhart, jacob lusk, james durbin, jennifer lopez, karen rodriguez, lauren alaina, naima adedapo, paul mcdonald, pia toscano, scotty mccreery, stefano langone, thia megia, top 13
Posted by
Emily Whelchel
| Filed under
If I don't include a review of today's Billboard Top 10 songs, that means I've reviewed the song in the past, so check it out in one of my previous articles.
1. THUMBS DOWN: Born This Way" by Lady Gaga
2. THUMBS DOWN: "F*** You (Forget You)" by Cee Lo Green
3. ISH: "Grenade" by Bruno Mars
4. THUMBS DOWN: "F***in' Perfect" by P!nk
5. THUMBS DOWN: "S&M" by Rihanna
6. THUMBS UP: "Firework" by Katy Perry
7. THUMBS DOWN: "Tonight (I'm Lovin' You)" by Enrique Iglesias
8. ISH: "E.T." by Katy Perry, featuring Kanye West
This song is definitely interesting. I couldn't find a music video for "E.T.", but it's apparently about a girl who falls in love with a guy whose love is so amazing, it is extraterrestrial. "Boy, you're an alien, your touch so foreign. It's supernatural, extraterrestrial." While nothing in this song is straight up explicit, there are some innuendos that make me feel a bit uncomfortable. "I wanna walk on your wave length and be there when you vibrate. For you, I'll risk it all." The song seems to be made up of sexual undertones. And even in the chorus-- "your touch so foreign"-- the song seems to be revolving around lust.
"Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me. Infect me with your love and fill me with your poison. Take me, ta-ta-take me. Wanna be a victim. Ready for abduction." I don't like how Katy Perry is describing love as a poison or infection. You shouldn't feel like a victim when you falls in love. Love isn't victimizing and no girl should ever be victimized by love. While I know Katy Perry is only using those words as a figure of speech, I still don't like the wording. I'm going to give the song an "ish" and let you decide for yourself.
This song reminds me of a Christian song by Group 1 Crew called "Outta Space Love." You can listen to it here.
9. THUMBS DOWN: "On the Floor" by Jennifer Lopez, featuring Pitt Bull
You may have seen the music video for "On the Floor" premier on American Idol Thursday night. I wasn't a big fan of most of the immodest outfits on the video. In fact, I made my little brother look away for most of the video. "On the Floor" is basically a dance song with a catchy beat, but I'm not a big fan of its content.
Pitt Bull uses some dirty slang that I don't want to repeat on my blog. Drug use is mentioned. "All I need is some vodka and some chunka coke." Drinking is mentioned several times and in a way that's more about getting drunk than drinking in moderation. "Don't stop. Get it moving. Put your drinks up. It's getting ill. It's getting sick on the floor." Nothing about this song seems very positive or uplifting. I wouldn't recommend that you add it to your playlist. From the same Group 1 Crew album as I mentioned before, perhaps you could try out "Live It Up" instead, which you can listen to here.
10. THUMBS DOWN: "I Need a Doctor" by Dr. Dre, featuring Eminem and Skylar Grey
March 7, 2011 1:00 AM
Tags: billboard top 10, born this way, bruno mars, cee lo green, dr. dre, e.t., eminem, enrique iglesias, f you, fing perfect, firework, forget you, grenade, group 1 crew, i need a doctor, i'm lovin you, jennifer lopez, kanye west, katy perry, lady gaga, live it up, on the floor, outta space love, p!nk, pink, pitt bull, rihanna, S&M;, skylar grey, tonight
Posted by
Emily Whelchel
| Filed under
Here's this week's Top 5 review... but considering that the majority of the top 5 songs are the same as last week, I thought I'd go ahead and review the top 10 today. If I don't have a review underneath a song, that means I've reviewed it before and you'll find the review either here or here.
1. THUMBS DOWN: "Born This Way" by Lady Gaga
2. THUMBS DOWN: "F**** You" by Cee Lo Green
3. ISH: "Grenade" by Bruno Mars
4. THUMBS DOWN: "I Need a Doctor" by Dr. Dre, featuring Eminem and Skylar Grey
Several artists contributed to this popular song, but I'm going to have to give it a thumbs down. There is a ton of cussing in this song. The f-word is used 10 times. The s-word is used twice. The a-word is used once. Other derogatory terms like fa***t and bas**** are also used. After listening to all of the swearing in this song, I almost felt like I needed to take a shower. They're so filthy. Overall, the song seems to be about someone who has been hurt, but it's filled with anger and bitterness. I couldn't find anything uplifting about it.
5. THUMBS UP: "Firework" by Katy Perry
6. THUMBS DOWN: "F***ing Perfect" by P!nk
7. THUMBS DOWN: "S&M" by Rihanna
8. THUMBS UP: "Never Say Never" by Justin Bieber, featuring Jaden Smith
Justin Bieber is not my style of music, but this song is clean, which is more than I can say about most of the songs on this top 10 list. The song has a good message, although it kind of contradicts itself. Never say never? He just said it twice. ;) But the lyrics encourage kids to stand up for what they believe and strive to achieve their dreams, which is commendable. "I will never say never. I will fight till forever. Whenever you knock me down, I will not stay on the ground. Pick it up, pick it up... and never say never."
Jaden Smith raps the bridge of this song and is adorable. "No pun intended, but was raised with the power of Will." Ha! The song also mentions a Bible reference at one point. "I gotta be the best, and yes, we're the flyest. Like David and Goliath, I conquered the giant." Overall, the song seems encouraging and inspiring to young kids and to all of you teenage girls reading this blog who secretly (or not so secretly) love Justin Bieber.
9. THUMBS DOWN: "Tonight (I'm Lovin' You)" by Enrique Iglesias, featuring Ludacris and DJ Frank E
10. THUMBS DOWN: "Black and Yellow" by Wiz Khalifa
February 28, 2011 2:36 PM
Tags: billboard top 100, black and yellow, born this way, bruno mars, cee lo green, christian reviews, dj frank e, dr. dre, eminem, enrique iglesias, f you, fing perfect by pink, firework, forget you, grenade, i need a doctor, jaden smith, justin bieber, katy perry, lady gaga, ludacris, never say never, rihanna, s&m;, skylar grey, tonight i'm lovin you, wiz khalifa
Posted by
Emily Whelchel
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To follow up my "reviewing the Billboard's top songs" series, I thought I'd go ahead and review the rest of the songs in the Billboard Top 10.
6. THUMBS DOWN: "Tonight (I'm Lovin' You)" by Enrique Iglesias
I hadn't heard this song before, so I searched for a music video to hear the tune. I was appalled at the video, which shows Enrique wandering through a club filled with naked dancing women. Even if I put aside the content in the video, the song in itself is inappropriate. The song is catchy and easy to dance to, but the lyrics are filled with lust and sex. The d-word appears twice, as well as the a-word.
What concerns me the most, however, are the lust-filled lyrics in "Tonight (I'm Lovin' You)." Check out the first verse. "I know you want me. I made it obvious that I want you too. So put it on me. Let's remove the space between me and you. Now rock your body. ----, I like the way that you move. So give it to me, 'cause I already know what you want to do." The bridge, featuring Ludacris, has more explicit lyrics that I don't feel comfortable sharing on this website. This song encourages meaningless sex and lust. I didn't find anything about it that is encouraging, inspiring, or uplifting whatsoever. I do not encourage you to add it to your playlist.
7. THUMBS DOWN: "F*** You (Forget You)" by Cee Lo Green
Great. Another top 10 song with the f-word in its title alone. I've heard this song several times and it's been performed multiple times on American Idol as well as its milder version "Forget You," but I can't help but cringe when I hear the song because if its original meaning. "Forget You" (let's just stick with the milder title for now) is a breakup song, coming from the perspective of a guy who's been left by his girlfriend for a richer man. However, the song is riddled with swear words.
The chorus- the part of the song you've probably heard at some point- contains a lot of cussing. "I see you driving 'round town with the girl I love and I'm like ---- you. I guess the change in my pocket wasn't enough. I'm like ---- you and ---- her too. I said if I was richer, I'd still be with ya. Ha, now ain't that some ----? And although there's pain in my chest, I still wish you the best with a ---- you..."
The f-word is used at least 16 times within the song. The s-word is used around 9 times if you include the background singers. The n-word is used twice. The a-word is also used twice. The song's content isn't very uplifting either, if you think about it. It's filled with bitterness and anger. So I'm disappointed with "Forget You", 'clean' version or not.
8. THUMBS DOWN: "S&M" by Rihanna
I tried to search for the music video for this song on YouTube but was shown an "18 and Older" warning. Although I'm 18, I decided I didn't want to allow that content into my thoughts. Yikes. Instead of the music video, I searched the lyrics instead and was quite horrified. In fact, I wouldn't feel comfortable sharing the majority of them on this website because of my younger audience. The most appropriate part of the song is the "Na na na na na..." After that, I couldn't find anything. I'm not quoting any parts of "S&M." If it helps you decide whether or not you'll purchase this song, S&M is short for sadomasochism, which is finding pleasure in inflicting and receiving pain during certain kinds of encounters. That's all I'll say.
9. ISH: "The Time (Dirty Bit)" by Black Eyed Peas
I gotta say, this song is catchy and easy to dance to. However, there are some issues I have with the content. There isn't any swearing or explicit sexual references, which is good, but the main purpose of "Dirty Bit" seems to be getting drunk and lusting after drunk ladies. Here are a few of the lyrics. "...I just wanna take some shots. So come on, let's go. Let's lose control. Let's do it all night until we can do it no more... Get hot in here. The temperature has got these ladies getting freakier..."
I personally won't be purchasing this song because I don't approve of the "it's okay to get drunk and go crazy and mess around with a ton of hot girls" vibe I'm getting from the lyrics. However, I'm going to give it an "ish" because compared to the other songs I'm seeing in this 6-10 list, this has been the most appropriate one yet. Sad, isn't it? Here are the lyrics. Check them out and decide for yourself.
10. THUMBS DOWN: "Hold It Against Me" by Britney Spears
"Hold It Against Me" seems to be a song about a girl who dances with a hot guy at a club and decides that she wants to have a one night stand with him. "'Cause you feel like a paradise and I need a vacation tonight. So if I said I want your body now, would you hold it against me?" The song doesn't seem to advocate even a relationship... just random sex to 'feel good' and have a vacation of sorts. "Hold It Against Me" also insinuates that Spears is nearly drunk. "Hey, you might think that I'm crazy, but you know I'm just your type. I might be a little hazy, but you just can't deny..." While this is a very catchy and fun-sounding song, I won't be recommending it. It isn't that explicit, but it isn't that good either.
Most of the songs in the Top 5 were cleaner than these five. I'm very disappointed in the content of these songs. To be honest, I wouldn't recommend any of them.
February 21, 2011 1:00 AM
Tags: billboard top 10, black eyed peas, britney spears, cee lo green, christian music reviews, dirty bit, enrique iglesias, forget you, hold it against me, rihanna, s&M;, the time, tonight i'm lovin you
Posted by
Emily Whelchel
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Something I'm going to begin is reviewing the top 5 songs on the Billboard charts each week. Some songs that are popular right now are great. They've got great lyrics and are fine for you to purchase. Others are inappropriate, and as believers in Christ, we should probably avoid them. I'll remind you that my opinions about these songs are my own, stemming from my personal faith. If you disagree with me, then don't follow what I have to say. It's as simple as that.
The top 5 songs this week are...
1.) THUMBS DOWN: "Born This Way" by Lady Gaga
"Born This Way" is a gay rights song. When I first read the lyrics, I was surprised and impressed with the content. I've never been a fan of Lady Gaga before and when I saw the title of "Born This Way," I immediately thought, "Oh, great. Another pro-gay song that puts Christians down." But at first, I seemed to be wrong. 'There's nothing wrong with loving who you are,' she said, 'because you're perfect, babe. So hold your head up, girl, and you'll go far. Listen to me when I say.' I'm beautiful in my way, 'cause God makes no mistakes..." Is God actually being mentioned in a Lady Gaga song?
By the second verse, however, my opinion of the song quickly changed. "A different lover is not a sin... No matter gay, straight, or bi, lesbian, transgendered life. I'm on the right track, baby... Ooh, there ain't no other way. I was born this way." While I believe many homosexual people are sweet and incredibly kind individuals, I do not agree with the meaning of "Born This Way." I believe homosexuality is wrong and I do not support a song that declares it's a good thing... or that God created people to be gay. That contradicts God's Word.
While "Born This Way" is catchy and is hiding under lyrics that seem okay from the surface, Lady Gaga is misguided in her reasoning about God and homosexuality. I do not encourage you to buy this song.
2.) THUMBS UP: "Firework" by Katy Perry
To be honest, I'm not a fan of Katy Perry, especially after I saw her sensual "California Girls" music video. However, "Firework" impressed me. As far as I can see, there are no sexual double meanings behind the lyrics. (Please correct me if I'm wrong here.) The song is merely about being yourself and overcoming what other people think about you. "You don't have to feel like a waste of space. You're original, cannot be replaced. If you only knew what the future holds. After a hurricane comes a rainbow." I couldn't find any controversial or inappropriate lyrics in "Firework." While I don't agree with much of Katy Perry's music, lifestyle, and music videos, this song in itself is surprisingly decent and even encouraging. I don't see anything wrong with you adding it to your playlist.
3.) ISH: "Grenade" by Bruno Mars
This is a break up sort of song where Bruno Mars sings as one who feels rejected by the girl he loves. His lyrics are quite passion-filled. See for yourself "I'd catch a grenade for ya. Throw my hand on a blade for ya. I'd jump in front of a train for ya. You know I'd do anything for ya. I would go through all this pain for ya, take a bullet straight through my brain. Yes, I would die for you, baby, but you won't do the same."
I can see both good and dangerous meanings behind this song. As a spouse, I think it's admirable that Bruno Mars is willing to die for the one he loves. However, if a young boyfriend or girlfriend hears the words "take a bullet straight through my brain... Yes, I would die for you, baby," I'm worried that Bruno Mars's words might encourage suicidal reactions after a harsh breakup. However, despite my caution, I think Bruno Mars's intentions were good and the song is not inappropriate, so my review comes up as this: Decide for yourself whether or not you like the content of this song. I can't find anything directly inappropriate within its lyrics.
4.) THUMBS DOWN: "Black and Yellow" by Wiz Khalifa
Despite the fact that this song is number four on the charts, I've never heard it before in my life until today. And I gotta say, I don't think I've been missing out. "Black and Yellow" is focused on material possessions, lust, drugs, and anger. I found swear words everywhere. Let me show you a "mild" verse. "B******* love me 'cause I'm f******* with their best friends. Not a lesbian, but she a freak though. This ain't for one night, I'm shining all week, ho'." "Black and Yellow" also uses the n-word and talks about women in derogatory ways, using terms like "ho" and the b-word. The f-word is used more than once, and drugs are mentioned freely. No, I can't find anything good in this song. I give it a thumbs down.
5.) THUMBS DOWN: "F******* Perfect" by P!nk
Okay, I can already tell you that I won't be recommending this song, just by its title. What's sad is that this song has potential to have a good meaning. But have you noticed the similarities between this song and "Born This Way"? Saying "you're perfect" seems to be a new trend amongst popular songs right now. P!nk seems to have good intentions with "F****** Perfect"'s lyrics. The chorus goes like this: "Pretty pretty please, don't you ever feel like you're less than f****** perfect. Pretty pretty please, if you ever feel like you're nothing, you're f****** perfect to me."
Aside from the obvious fact that nobody can be "perfect," the song seems to be meant to encourage a friend or boyfriend of some sort and raise their self esteem. However, if someone sang this song to me to help lift up my self worth, I think it would bring me down even more. No, there are too many uses of the f-word for me to ever consider recommending this song.
What do you think about this new series? Do you agree with what I have to say? Disagree? You're free to share your opinion in the comments below.
February 19, 2011 1:00 AM
Tags: billboard charts, black and yellow, born this way, bruno mars, christian music reviews, city on a hill, firework, grenade, katy perry, lady gaga, p!nk, pink, song reviews, top 100 songs, wiz khalifa
Posted by
Emily Whelchel
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I'll be sharing a few more songs than usual this week. Christmas spirit, you know. In honor of it being Christmas Eve, I'll take songs from my Christmas playlist. Check out these ten awesome Christmas songs by ten awesome artists.
"Carol of the Bells" by BarlowGirl
This is an old song and not originally performed by BarlowGirl, of course, but it is lovely. BarlowGirl's voices seem to go perfectly with the song... so haunting and lovely. I could listen to this song over and over. It's one of my favorite Christmas songs. It always puts in me in just the right mood for Christmas. Check out this song and feel the chills raise on your arms.
"Blue Christmas" by Elvis Presley
I am Elvis Presley's number one fan. His Christmas album is played over and over and over in my car and bedroom. I love Elvis's voice and his style. Check out this song. It's classic Elvis. "I'll have a blue Christmas without you. I'll be so blue just thinking about you. Decorations of red on a green Christmas tree... Won't be the same, dear, if you're not here with me. And when those blue snowflakes start falling, that's when those blue memories start calling. You'll be doing alright with your Christmas of white, but I'll have a blue, blue, blue, blue Christmas." Isn't that just classic Elvis? I love blues.
"Sleigh Ride" by Billy Gilman and Charlotte Church
This was always my favorite Christmas song as a little girl. I used to absolutely love Billy Gilman, and his voice goes so well with Charlotte Church's in this song. It's very bouncy and fun, the perfect cheery Christmas mood. For some reason, I cannot find the duet with Charlotte on YouTube, but here's a clip of Billy Gilman singing it solo. Check it out. He was such a cute little kid.
"Feliz Navidad" by David Crowder* Band
David Crowder is just awesome. Of course, out of all the Christmas songs he could have recorded, he recorded this one. I love Feliz Navidad. It's very catchy, it's very fun, and it's by David Crowder, which makes it all the better. I love David Crowder's unique voice and crazy style. For a Texan, he did pretty good with the accent, I think. Check the song out here.
"You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch" by Newsong
How can you celebrate Christmas without The Grinch Song? Newsong put out a pretty good Christmas album several years back, and this song is on it. It's hilarious. I grew up listening to this song. "You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch. You really are a heel. You're as cuddly as a cactus. You're as charming as an eel. Mr. Grinch, you're a bad banana with a greasy black peel... Your brain is full of spiders. You got garlic in your soul. Mr. Grinch, I wouldn't touch you with a 39 and a half foot pole!" They got the tone of the song down perfectly as well. This song is just great. Take a listen.
"This Christmas" by TobyMac
No, this isn't a classic Christmas song. TobyMac wrote it, and I think it's beautiful. I got chills the first time I heard it. "This Christmas" tells the story of an orphan boy named Johnny who goes to stay with a family for a Christmas so he can have an experience of a real home. "Now Johnny never got his wish on December 25th. That's what he said when he left the orphanage. Nine years old, but Johnny was an old soul. Gonna spend his first Christmas in a real home. Showed me a picture that he drew the night before. It was a picture of a man standing outside a door. I asked him who it was and he said, 'Someone I only see in dreams. He comforts me when I cry myself to sleep.' Father of the fatherless, be with Your sons and daughters this Christmas..." And that's only the first verse. Pretty, right? Check it out here. You might even cry.
"Mistletoe" by Colbie Caillat
This is another modern Christmas song. I adore Colbie Caillait's voice. It's so controlled and peaceful and pretty. I could listen to her all day. It's similar lyrically to "Blue Christmas" by Elvis Presley. It's sad, but tranquil. "It's not Christmas if the snow don't fall, and I'm still standing here three feet small. Lose our troubles, because after all, it's Christmas time, and I've been waiting for you to come, and it's so hard because I feel so alone, and I just want you to come home..." Melancholy, but pretty nonetheless. Check it out.
"O Holy Night" by BarlowGirl
Yes, I'm showing you another BarlowGirl song. This one is vastly different from the one I showed you above. It's a rock version of O Holy Night and very well made. I love it. It's unique, catchy, and different from the bland Christmas style of music, which is what I tire of quickly during the Christmas season. Take a look and enjoy this song choreographed to colorful house lights.
"Baby, It's Cold Outside" by James Taylor
I personally love James Taylor's voice. It's smooth and controlled and perfect for the Christmas season. I also love this song. Together, they're perfect. Natalie Cole also makes a cameo in the song, which is nice as well. I love how the song is like a conversation. It makes me want to curl up by a fire with a mug of hot chocolate and a huge pile of marshmallows. Check it out.
"The Little Drummer Boy" by GoFish
Finally, I'd like to show you the neatest version of The Little Drummer Boy that you might ever find. It's played very frequently at my house. I'm not usually a big fan of GoFish, but I have to admit, they did well with this song. It's great. Seriously. Go buy it and add it to your Christmas playlist asap. The drumming is so cool. I love the sound of drums. Listen to it here, and be sure to listen all the way through till the end. You don't want to miss the best part.
There's my giant list of favorite Christmas songs. I hope you liked them as much as I do. What are yours?
1 Comment |
December 24, 2010 1:00 AM
Tags: baby it's cold outside, barlow, barlowgirl, billy gilman, blue christmas, carol of the bells, charlotte church, colbie caillat, david crowder band, elvis presley, feliz navidad, go fish, gofish, james taylor, mistletoe, newsong, sleigh ride, the little drummer boy, this christmas, tobymac, you're a mean one mr. grinch
Posted by
Emily Whelchel
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Lists and Tips, Music
Yes, this week's recommended songs are coming twice. There will be no playlist next week. For today's list of songs I recommend for you to put on your iPod, I thought I'd do something new. I'm opening my playlist of favorite songs, putting them on shuffle, and the first five songs that come up will be featured in today's post. Here goes.
"Caroline's a Victim" by Kate Nash
I nearly burst into laughter when I saw that this was the first song to come up on my shuffled playlist. This may possibly be the weirdest song I have ever heard in my entire life. For that, I love it and I listen to it occasionally. But it's weird. One of my best friends gave it to me on a CD as a joke. It's not Christian, but it has no "iffy" or inappropriate lyrics, so no worries. The lyrics are pretty simple, "Caroline sits in her room playing killer killer killer killer beats... Caroline's a victim... Caroline wishes that she could meet all the boys and the girls who live down her street, 'cause she knows that they share that tapping of the feet when she plays that killer killer killer killer beat..." And that's basically the entirety of the song, repeated over and over. It's quite catchy and a bit startling when you first hear it, but sure, I'd recommend you to add the song to your playlist. It's very fun. I believe it's about a girl who lives in fear of being rejected, so she's a victim of society. I love Kate Nash's accent. You can have a look at the song on YouTube.
"Stand in the Rain" by Superchic[k]
This is an older Superchick song. It's very pretty. It's about a girl who is struggling to survive, but "stands in the rain." I love the chorus. "Stand in the rain. Stand your ground. Stand up when it's all crashing down. Stand through the pain. You won't drown, and one day what's lost can be found. Stand in the rain." Very pretty. It's a slow Christian rock song. If you've ever been through a difficult struggle and possibly even despaired of your life, this song is perfect. It's a song of redemption and healing. Superchick is very talented. Check out the song here.
"Turkish Delight" by David Crowder* Band
David Crowder wrote this song after the Chronicles of Narnia's The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. It's about Edmund's addiction for Turkish Delight. The song is very catchy and fun. I love it, even if the topic is weird. Everything about David Crowder is weird, right? The song begins by telling the story. "Stumbled through the doorway to the strangest thing: an unexpected magic land with snow beneath my feet. Came across a lady who was dressed in Southern white. She took her coat to cover me and in a query cold as ice, 'What do you want?'" Clever, really. Check the song out here.
"Jellyfish" by Julian Smith
This is another silly song. It comes from Julian Smith's YouTube video of the same name. It's a funny song that kind of makes sense... "Jellyfish... jelly fish... This world is full of compound words. Speak slower, bro, or you won't be heard. If you talk quick, you might sound slick, but I also might think you just asked me to make you a real jellyfish sandwich.. and you'll die!" I would recommend for you to add the song to your playlist as a joke and to support Julian Smith, who is one of the funniest YouTube comedians I have ever seen. Check out his videos. They're hilarious. You can see the video- and the song- here.
"Reality" by Newsboys
This song comes from the old Newsboys, back when Peter Furler still reigned and they still had their old style of music. My favorite album of theirs, sniff. Reality is a fun song. It's basically calling crazy dreamers to turn back to God and follow His plans in order for your dreams to come true in a better, real way. The first verse starts out like this: "Mom and Dad, I'm fine. How are you? I have joined a small circus, that much is true. I'm a little malnourished, but try to relax. Could you find a better photo for the milk carton backs? Send money." I love the second verse just as much. The old Newsboys were geniuses. No one could think of funnier Christian lyrics than they could. "Mom and Dad, I'm fair. How's life? Lent the money you sent me to the clown with the knife. My career as an acrobat hasn't begun, but I'm busy giving blood and shoveling elephant dung. Send money." Check out this song and laugh along with me.
Well, this week's recommended songs were very strange, weren't they? I enjoy them all though, so I still recommend them all for your playlist. Check'em out. Which of these is your favorite?
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December 21, 2010 1:00 AM
Tags: c.s. lewis, caroline's a victim, chronicles of narnia, david crowder band, ipod playlist, jellyfish, julian smith, kate nash, newsboys, reality, stand in the rain, superchick, the lion the witch and the wardrobe, turkish delight, youtube
Posted by
Emily Whelchel
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Today's iPod playlist will be as random as I can make it. Let's see...
"Listen to Your Heart" by D.H.T.
This song is my senior class's theme song this year. It's basically a big inside joke for anyone who goes to my school. My classes has a dance for the song that we got off of this video. Check the song out. It's a few years old, but it's quite catchy, actually. With the dance, it's funny. I love songs with a beat that pumps you up.
"Boston" by Augustana
If you only listen to Christian music, you'll probably not like this song, as it's not Christian. I love it because it has a beautiful piano part and poetic lyrics. The song basically tells the story of a girl who feels misunderstood and wants to move away to Boston where no one will no her name. It's a song of renewal. I love the bridge. "I think I'll go to Boston. I think I'll start a new life. I think I'll start it over, where no one knows my name... I think I need a new town to leave this all behind. I think I need a sunrise. I'm tired of the sunset. I hear it's nice in the summer. Some snow would be nice..." The only iffy lyric is "I think I'll get a lover and fly'em out to Spain." Other than that, I think "Boston" is quite lovely. I like it very much. I also love the music video, where Augustana plays on a battered old piano right on the edge of the foamy ocean. Listen to it here on YouTube.
"Alive" by Superchic[k]
This is a random song. I love Superchick and I love their lyrics. The meaning of this song is actually quite deep, if you get over the shocking lyrics at the beginning of the song. "Don't bury me. I'm not yet dead, not a walking zombie with no head, not a Stepford wife made to obey. Don't want to go through life that way." The Christian rock song has a great beat. It's catchy and fun to air guitar to. I definitely recommend it. Check out a preview of the song here.
"Dawn" by Pride and Prejudice
I'm not a fan of classical music, but remember... I'm trying to be random today. "Dawn" is a song off of the Pride and Prejudice soundtrack. I have no idea if it was around before that. I like the song well enough, and I'm currently learning how to play it on the piano, which is why I know it as well as I do. For a classical song, it's quite pretty. You can buy it off of the Pride and Prejudice soundtrack on iTunes, but here's a YouTube clip of it.
"I'll Make a Man Out of You" by Mulan Soundtrack
To make this blog entry even more random than it already is, here's a song from the soundtrack of my favorite Disney "princess" movie, Mulan. Mulan has to be the best animated female character. She whoops all the boys by disguising herself as a soldier. She wins the guy without ever having to act proper and doing what is expected of women. She's unique and strong. I just love her! I like this song because it's funny, it's catchy, and it makes me think of the movie. I sing it to my little brother quite often. What makes me laugh the most is when Mulan sings for a moment during the song... with that girlie voice, how did she ever pass as a guy? Check the song out here.
Do you like any of these songs?
1 Comment |
December 17, 2010 1:00 AM
Tags: alive, augustana, boston, classical music, dawn, dht, i'll make a man out of you, ipod, listen to your heart, mulan, pride and prejudice, soundtrack, superchick