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My newest song... due to appear on YouTube in some days.


I sit inside and stare at my reflection in the mirror:
Average hair, average clothes.
Why God made me, heaven knows.
How come every other girl is prettier than me?
People say that outer beauty doesn't really matter.
Thick or thin, short or tall,
Why do some girls have it all?
I just wish I could be prettier than me.

I know God made my heart,
And He knows every thought.
He created me with His special plan.
I am cradled in His arms,
Even when I feel alone,
And I suppose I should see what He sees.
He sees a pure child of God, beauty.

I can't help but criticize that girl in the mirror.
Counting every imperfection,
I see just a flawed reflection.
It is hard not to care what people think.
I try my best to grow into the girl that He created.
Godly life, friendly words,
It's not about a name brand shirt.
Is my style what brings glory to His Name?

I know God made my heart,
And He knows every thought.
He created me with His special plan.
I am cradled in His arms,
Even when I feel alone,
And I suppose I should see what He sees.
He sees a pure child of God, beauty.

And I will spend more time on my heart,
Than judging that girl in the mirror.
And I will shine Christ's love through my life,
Instead of living with self doubt and fear.

I know God made my heart,
And He knows every thought.
He created me with His special plan.
I am cradled in His arms,
Even when I feel alone,
And I suppose I should see what He sees.
He sees a pure child of God, beauty.
And even when I don't like what I see,
I am a pure child of God, beauty.

July 30, 2010
Emily Whelchel

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A song/poem I wrote a few weeks ago when I was riding in the car.  It came to me all of a sudden.  What do you think? 


Sometimes I do not know what to say anymore.
I'm vulnerable. I'm broken. My heart is on the floor.
I thought that you would catch me before I hit the ground...
But here I am.

Let me see, Jesus, where You are in this place.
Embrace me and love me and reveal to me Your face.
And when I start to fall into the depths of what I've been,
Let me see, Jesus, who You are.

I'm shattered, I'm broken, I'm tattered, I'm torn.
The world has crashed around me. I'm weary, I'm worn.
All I want is to catch a glimpse of who You are,
To keep me strong.

Let me see, Jesus, where You are in this place.
Embrace me and love me and reveal to me Your face.
And when I start to fall into the depths of what I've been,
Let me see, Jesus, who You are.

I know there are days when I will feel alone.
Right now, I'm longing for You to call me home.
But I trust You, God, and I will not turn away,
So I will close my eyes and blindly obey.

Let me see, Jesus, where You are in this place.
Embrace me and love me and reveal to me Your face.
And when I start to fall into the depths of what I've been,
Let me see, Jesus, who You are.


Remember- I'm at camp right now.  I wrote this blog ahead of time, so please pray that I'll stay healthy and reach these kids for Jesus! :)

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