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Emily Whelchel
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Book Reviews, Faith and God, News and Updates
Before I share today's part of the blog challenge, I'd like to share a quick prayer request with you all. My little sister Amy just underwent surgery today for a detached labrum (hurt shoulder). It was hard for me to be so far away while all of this was happening. Not only did I want to be there for my sister, but I also wanted to be with my family during a time like this and I was stuck ten hours away. That has been tough.
She made it out of surgery quickly and safely. Although recovery is going to be tough (six weeks with little use of her right arm), she is okay. If you could remember to say a few prayers for her over the next month and a half, that would be wonderful.
As for the blogging challenge...
Day 2: A book you love.
I haven't been reading many books outside of what I've had to read for school recently, so I had to think hard to come up with a good book to write about. I finally settled on CRAZY LOVE by Francis Chan. This book is phenomenal and changed my perspective on God's love and about something even more important that I've struggled with in my life: stress and worry.
One of my favorite quotes of all times comes from CRAZY LOVE. I think about it all the time, almost every single day. Check this out. The first time I read it, I felt like I had been slapped... but in a good way.
Worry implies that we don't quite trust that God is big enough, powerful enough, or loving enough to take care of what's happening in our lives. Stress says that the things we are involved in are important enough to merit our impatience, our lack of grace towards others, or our tight grip of control.
I am a worrier and I tend to stress out... a lot. CRAZY LOVE helped me to get a grip on my focuses on life. God loves me. That's all that
matters. Everything else is so insignificant compared to His crazy, relentless love. I would recommend for anyone to read CRAZY LOVE. It is a quick read and somehow manages to fill you with both joy and conviction at the same time.
Here is the description on the back of the book:
God is love. Crazy, relentless, all-powerful love. Have you ever wondered if we're missing it? It's crazy, if you think about it. The God of the universe--the Creator of nitrogen and pine needles, galaxies and E-minor--loves us with a radical, unconditional, self-sacrificing love. And what is our typical response? We go to church, sing songs, and try not to cuss. Whether you've verbalized it yet or not... we all know something's wrong. Does something deep inside your heart long to break free from the status quo? Are you hungry for an authentic faith that addresses the problems of our world with tangible, even radical, solutions? God is calling you to a passionate love relationship with Himself. Because the answer to religious complacency isn't working harder at a list of do's and don'ts--it's falling in love with God. And once you encounter His love, as Francis Chan describes it, you will never be the same. Because when you're wildly in love with someone, it changes everything.
And that's a book I love. CRAZY LOVE. Francis Chan. Check it out here.
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November 16, 2011 1:46 PM
Tags: What is your favorite book?
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Emily Whelchel
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News and Updates
It's a bit of an awkward time to start a blogging challenge, but I'm going to be entirely honest with you guys... blogging is becoming increasingly difficult for me right now. It's almost time for finals and I'm struggling to juggle studying, classes, Christian organizations, social hangouts, and taking the time to blog.
My Christmas break begins on December 14, so I think that if I begin a blogging challenge tomorrow, I'll be able to jump back into my normal level of blogging after the next thirty days. Until then, I'll be partaking in this blogging challenge. You are very welcome to take it with me, either by answering the question or topic in the comments each day or by blogging on your own.
I'm sorry if you are frustrated with my lack of long and usual blogs... I am too, but I regret to say that I simply don't have the time and energy right now. I wish I did, but I don't. In a month, I will, and I already have some big things in mind.
I have a couple of updates with you before I share the blogging challenge.
1.) I've begun posting songs on YouTube again. I've posted two recently. I wrote them both. One is called "College Life" and I posted the lyrics here the other day and the other is called "Miss You," a song I wrote for Gatlin and posted on his birthday. Feel free to check out those songs on my YouTube channel here.
2.) Good news! TOMS (you know... the shoes?) is sending me two copies of Blake Mycoskie's brand new book called "Start Something That Matters," one for me to keep, read, and post a review on here for you all to read, and one for me to give away in a blog contest that will begin with the new year. I am very excited about this contest and about this book, so please keep an eye out for the first "official" announcement about that, which will come soon.
Okay, now it's time for the blogging challenge. The first day will technically begin tomorrow.
A photograph you've taken.
A book you love.
Something you feel strongly about.
Five qualities you think are important in a friendship.
Five ways to win your heart.
Instruments you play (or want to play).
Things you want to say to someone who is no longer your friend.
Put your iPod on shuffle and list the first ten songs that play.
A childhood memory.
What you wore today.
Five pet peeves.
Attempt to describe your personality.
A baby picture.
Something you always think "what if" about.
Something you are proud of.
Three fears.
Describe yesterday.
An embarrassing picture of yourself.
Five words that make you laugh.
What you are looking for in a significant other.
A quote (or Bible verse) you try to live by.
A poem or song you've written.
Someone you miss.
Something you miss.
A worry or problem you have right now.
Where would you like to live one day?
A picture you like of yourself.
Five odd or unusual things about yourself.
What are you excited about?
How have you grown in your faith this month?
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November 14, 2011 4:52 PM
Tags: ahhhhhh
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Emily Whelchel
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News and Updates
Recently my family has begun to join the blogging community. Ali created a blog in September and my mom recently said I could make her a blog as well. You can visit it at:
If you follow my mom's blog, expect to see a lot of pictures, read about our family, and catch a glimpse of the joy that resides so plainly in my mother's life. I gave the blog the name "Optimist by Choice" because this is a quality that has been emphasized by my mom for as long as I can remember. She is an avid optimist.
Follow Ali's and my mom's blogs if you are interested in them at all. (I use BlogLovin' to keep track of them all.) While my family members will write at a different pace than I do and in a different style, their words are most definitely worth reading.
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October 22, 2011 1:00 AM
Tags: i love family blogs
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Emily Whelchel
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News and Updates
For those of you who enjoy reading about Ali, my sister and best friend, I have some exciting news. A few weeks ago, Ali asked if I would help her make a blog. I got to work on some design ideas... and Big Hair Ali was created. It's happy and flowery and just like Ali.
Ali's already written her first post. It's filled with encouragement. I'm so excited to see what she writes in the future. Ali may not write every day like I do, but her posts are sure to be positive, inspiring, and filled with joy that comes from Christ alone.
Check out my sister's blog!
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September 23, 2011 11:36 AM
Tags: I'm such a proud sister
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Emily Whelchel
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News and Updates, Series
Over the next ten days (eleven actually, because I will be pausing the challenge for a day on the seventeenth), I will undertake a small blogging challenge. My life has been very busy. It's difficult to come up with everything I'd like to write about, let alone actually write it. I figured a small blogging challenge to bring inspiration would help me out quite a bit.
I didn't write this particular blogging challenge. I found it on a Facebook album and thought it was cute (and I really like making lists). Feel free to join in and be sure to leave a link to your blog in the comments so the rest of us can follow along with you.
10 Random Days of Me
Day 1: Ten things about yourself that most people don't know.
Day 2: Nine things you remember from your childhood.
Day 3: Eight things you couldn't live without.
Day 4: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day 5: Six things that make your day.
Day 6: Five people who mean a lot to you.
Day 7: Four photographs that you love.
Day 8: Three things you've learned recently.
Day 9: Two words to describe your life right now.
Day 10: One confession.
This should be fun. It starts tomorrow.
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September 14, 2011 3:00 PM
Tags: 10 random days of me, blogging challenge, news and updates
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Emily Whelchel
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News and Updates
I know I said I would do a college Q&A on September 10, but after receiving many, many questions, I decided to change things up a bit (like I usually end up doing). I'm sorry if this bothers you, but since I have been so busy with studying and homework, I think this will be the easiest for me to sort out in my own mind.
I have divided the questions I've received into different topics and I will write blog posts depending on the topics. The schedule is this:
September 10: Classes, professors, scheduling, and school work.
September 12: Social Life: dorm life, making friends, church, organizations, and keeping up with family.
September 14: Questions about college in general (hardest part, easiest part, what it's like to attend a big school, etc.)
Overall, that equals three different days I will spread out over the next few days. Again, I hope it doesn't inconvenience you that I've changed things up, but it's easiest for me (and should be easiest for you as well! It's tough to process so much information at once.) Since you know the topics ahead of time, you're still welcome to ask a specific question about a future topic until the night before I post my answers for that day.
I will be answering every question about college life that I receive, except for some personal ones involving location and things like that. I'm receiving a lot of the same questions, which I'm actually glad to see. It's comforting to know that so many of my younger readers are wondering the same things and having the same worries about college. Actually, as I read your questions, I remember wondering about the same issues. Hopefully my answers will ease your fears a little. I understand the feeling that college was a frightening unknown. Now that college is actually here, my world has changed in a lot of ways.
Tomorrow, I will answer questions about my classes.
September 9, 2011 3:00 PM
Tags: sighhhh so much to do and so little time
Posted by
Emily Whelchel
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Lists and Tips, News and Updates
Some other bloggers are taking the alphabet blogging challenge with me, so I thought I'd post a list with links to their blogs so we can see what everyone has to say. For those who are starting later in the game, I will post an updated list in a week or two, so feel free to add your blog in the comments.
Amy at The Martin's Den
Lindsey at Random Ramblings
Emily at THE blog
Emily at les choses de vie
And of course, keep checking back here to see my daily topics. Thanks to everyone who is participating. I can't wait to start reading each day.
If you're looking for an easy way to follow your favorite blogs, check out Blog Lovin'. It's my addiction.
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July 9, 2011 3:00 PM
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Emily Whelchel
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News and Updates
Whenever I start to get writer's block about what I should post on this blog, I usually borrow (or make up) a blogging challenge. Blogging challenges give me interesting topics on a schedule and get me back into the writing zone. If you know me well, then you know that I love schedules and routines and lists and... okay, okay, I'm a bit OCD. But I love them. :)
This next month's blogging challenge will be the ABC's because we're all kids at heart. Each day for the next twenty-six days will be based on a letter of the alphabet. I encourage you to take the blogging challenge with me. They're a ton of fun and your readers will be able to get to know you better. If you take the blogging challenge, be sure to tell me so I can follow along on your blog too.
Here are the 26 topics:
A: Animals... talk about any pets you have, had, or want.
B: Best Friend
C: Cars... talk about your first car, the car you have now, any accidents, driving pet peeves, etc.
D: Day in the Life of Me
E: Embarrassing Moment
F: Faith... where are you now?
G: Growing Up... share a few childhood photos and stories.
H: Hairstyles... what your hair looks like now, ugliest haircut, haircut you want, etc.
I: Interesting Facts About You
J: Jokes
K: Kicking the Bucket... share your bucket list.
L: Love... what are you looking for in a significant other?
M: Music
N: Nothing... talk about something entirely random for a day.
O: Old... what kind of old person do you want to be?
P: Poem
Q: Questions and Answers... have a Q&A with some of your readers.
R: Reading... what are you reading?
S: Smile... five reasons YOU smile.
T: Typing... take a typing test and share it.
U: Underdog... what's an underdog you can't help but stand up for?
V: Vacations... vacations you've taken or dream vacations.
W: Wearing... what is your favorite outfit?
X: X-Treme... something crazy you've done.
Y: Youth... in what ways are you still a kid at heart?
Z: Zen... what calms you down?
I can't wait to start this new challenge and I definitely can't wait to see what you guys write about on your blogs.
July 8, 2011 1:00 AM
Tags: abcs, beating writer's block, blog, blog challenge, blogging challenge, blogging topics, news and updates, ocd, writer's block
Posted by
Emily Whelchel
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News and Updates
Hey guys, I'm so sorry that I haven't posted in the last couple of days. I didn't have anything scheduled for this week because I thought I would be able to blog about the cruise every day. I didn't realize that there wasn't any internet on the cruise ship--or if there was, it was only sixty-five cents a minute. I paid for a few minutes of internet to re-schedule some posts for you guys and I'll share my trip stories in a week.
Sorry it's been so long. :) I can't wait to show you all of my pictures and stories.
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May 31, 2011 8:33 PM
Tags: apology, news
Posted by
Emily Whelchel
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My Life, News and Updates
Hey, guys. I'd like to let you know that I'm so sorry I've missed the last couple of days. I have a LOT of family in town right now (and even staying at my house!). I have Baccalaureate tomorrow at 2:30. I got a job at a frozen yogurt place. My life is just CRAZY with all of this graduation stuff. I'm loving it, but blogging is getting a little hectic. After today, everything should go back to normal with daily blogs. Thank you so much for your patience with me this week. :) I'll be sure to share Baccalaureate photos and pictures from my graduation party as soon as possible.
In the meantime, feel free to enjoy this entertaining picture of my grandpa and one of my best friends, Zeek. They're both 6'6 and I'm 5'1. In this picture, we're all standing normally.
May 22, 2011 12:48 AM
Tags: apology, baccalaureate, business, short people, tall people
Posted by
Emily Whelchel
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News and Updates
Hey, guys. I thought I'd share a bit of news with everyone. No worries... I'll post a real something or other later on in the day, so keep an eye out.
I found this website that I LOVE and I have to advertise it. If you are an avid follower of several blogs like I am, I think you'll love it too.
It's called bloglovin'. And it's amazing. Basically, you can enter in the links to all the blogs you follow and it has one main page where you can see every time the blogs are updated. From bloglovin, you can then go straight to the new post. No opening several different windows. No trying to remember to check back at several different sites each day. No feeling frustrated when your email inbox is filled with reminders. Just one place. And I'm lovin' it.
Again. Bloglovin'. Check it out.
Also, I'd just like to share another reminder--I think I already mentioned this before, but I will again--that I've made a new page where you can go to find me on other places on the internet, so feel free to follow me on Twitter, YouTube, or VYou. The links are here.
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May 11, 2011 1:00 AM
Tags: blog lovin, social networking sites, twitter, vyou, youtube
Posted by
Emily Whelchel
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My Life, News and Updates
Thank you all for your prayers, guys. I got through my surgery great and I thought I'd go ahead and share my Lasik story. Please mind any spelling errors because my eyes aren't completely clear yet. I'm wearing an awful pair of eye shields with tape across my field of vision... and it's only been ten hours since my surgery (as I write this). So please bear with me! If you want a laugh, I'll go ahead and share that I'm typing this entry in a big font so I can read what I'm writing better. :)
Here is one of the last images you'll ever see of me in my glasses. This is incredibly exciting for me, since I've become so sick of them lately. I loved my contacts, but since I've become allergic to them, I've had to wear my glasses every single day for the past several months. It can get quite frustrating.
As soon as I arrived at the eye clinic, I went to the front desk and they gave me a Valium. I've never taken Valium before, so I was expecting to become entirely loopy, but it didn't affect me a whole lot... well, at least I don't think it did.
After I took the meds, I was led into a waiting room with a few other people. We had to wipe off our faces, put our hair in white caps and our feet in little slippers. I waited for a little while and then was taken into the operating room and told to lay down on a gurney-like bed. They put a thing under my knees to hold my legs still and they put my head onto a circular rest. One nurse held my hands and one helped to hold my head completely still. (I was trembling like a leaf at this point.)
The entire operation lasted only about six minutes--three minutes for each eye. It was basically painless. I had some mild pinching with one of the clamps, but that was bearable. Pretty much, all I had to do was stare at a green light for a few minutes while they did nerve-wracking things to my eyeball.
From what they tell me, they suctioned my eye to keep it still, cut a flap in the middle of my eye and pulled it backwards like a hinge, and then used a laser to fix my vision. After that, they put the flap back down, rinsed my eye with cold saline water, and sponged it down.
After I was done with the surgery, they put me in a wheelchair, which I found funny at the time because my eyes were operated on, not my legs... and I could see fairly well. However, the medication did make me a little dizzy, so after I tried to walk later on, I realized why they made me ride in a wheelchair.
They brought me into a post-op room and put terribly ugly shields over my eyes, taping them shut. And then I was done. I wasn't at the clinic for more than an hour. Awesome, right?
Here is a picture of me with my ugly, ugly eye shields. ;)
Since I had to stay awake for six hours during the procedure, the amazing Rebekah came over and brought me a Starbucks vanilla frap and played Wii with me for a couple of hours. She even had to take senior pictures this afternoon, but she still took time out of her day to play with me. Something funny... I totally destroyed her at Wii, even though I was half blind. We laughed and laughed.
The day is finally almost over. I'm going to bed right after I finish this blog post, which I'll share with you guys tomorrow morning. I started out seeing everything like I was in a fog... I guess because my eyes were so inflamed. I can see a lot better now. I was even able to watch a movie--Princess Diaries--with Ali when she came home. I can't wait to hopefully see 20/20 tomorrow morning.
Random note... I got the hiccups four times today. Does anyone know what causes something like that? Nervousness, perhaps? I don't know.
I have a few continuing prayer requests. Thank you so, so, so much to those of you who have been keeping me in your prayers.
One, that my eyes will heal and not have any complications.
Two, that I now have 20/20 vision so I won't have to get an enhancement and go through all of this again.
Thanks so much, you guys. Your prayers have meant so much to me. I have an appointment at eight tomorrow morning, so I'll continue to keep you all updated.
May 6, 2011 1:00 AM
Tags: best friends, eye operation, eye procedure, eye shields, eye surgery, lasik, lasiks, lasix, my life, wii
Posted by
Emily Whelchel
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News and Updates
Okay, I thought I'd go ahead and share some more news today. I may post something else a little later, but I thought I'd update you guys on some things and perhaps ask a few questions, if you don't mind.
Updates first.
1.) I added another "Page" called "Find Me Online" with some links to the social networking sites I'm currently a part of, such as VYOU, Twitter, and YouTube. You're welcome to check that out here.
2.) Yes, the format of my site has changed a little. I have put some ads up. I hope the ads aren't overwhelming and if you see something inappropriate or a glitch with the ads, please let me know because I'm still experimenting with placement and all that.
3.) I just thought I'd share the news that within a couple of weeks, I'll have published 500 posts on this blog! Wow! I've also received more than 390k views on this blog since last April. Thank you so much for your support, guys. For everyone who reads my blog, thank you so, so much. I love you all. *hugs*
And here are my questions for you today.
1.) So I'm still thinking on the book giveaway. I've been thinking about having a contest of sorts. Do any of you have ideas of a blog competition of sorts?
2.) Lately, I've hit a little bit of a writer's block, so I'd like to know what YOU guys like to read. Personal stories, music reviews, book reviews, devotions, poems, Jack pictures, lists and tips, something new entirely...? What would you like to see more of? I definitely write what I love to write, but I'm curious to know what you like to read. Blogging is a fine mixture of both.
3.) Would anyone be interested in these topics? Writing tips (for fiction), blogging tips, and more bloggy/journal-type stories, like this, but perhaps in more of a story format?
April 20, 2011 1:00 AM
Posted by
Emily Whelchel
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My Life, News and Updates
My little sister turns fifteen today. She can finally get her learner's permit. :) I can't believe she's this old already.
Happy birthday, Amy!

April 5, 2011 1:09 PM
Tags: amy whelchel, birthday, fifteenth birthday, sisters
Posted by
Emily Whelchel
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News and Updates
Through April and May, aside from the 30 Day Blog Challenge, I'll also be writing about some of my experiences as a senior in high school and an upcoming freshman in college. I'll share my fears, my excitements, my experiences... I'll share tips for upcoming seniors and photographs from memorable times in my life, like senior pictures, announcements, and even my graduation.
I know some of my readers are younger teens, so you'll have to face these emotions and experiences in a few years. Also, I'd just like to share my thoughts and what God is showing me through this time of my life.
I'll also be taking a break from the Billboard Top 10 reviews. They'll be coming back during the summer.
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March 28, 2011 1:00 AM
Tags: news, updates
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Emily Whelchel
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News and Updates
Just so you know, I've officially posted a FAQ page for my blog. Check it out
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March 13, 2011 6:22 PM
Tags: blog, emilyissmiling, emilytheperson, faq, news, updates
Posted by
Emily Whelchel
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News and Updates
I enjoyed my 30 Day Blog Challenge from September, so I thought I'd go ahead and participate in another one. However, I have other things I'd like to continue writing about, so I think I'll only participate in the blog challenge four days a week, making this more like a six or seven week blog challenge. Oh well.
On Mondays, I'll continue my Billboard Top 10 songs review. I'll post my Jack blogs on Sundays and my Prank War updates on Saturdays while they still last. If I have anything else to write about, I'll just go ahead and write about it on a day of the week when I should be answering a blog challenge question.
Got it? Good.
This 30 Day Challenge will be a little deeper than my last one, which consisted of several silly and fun questions, like "What are 5 things you can't live without?" This one will be more difficult and complicated to write about.
I'd like you to answer the questions as well. I'd love it if you left your answers in the comments, but if you don't have time or the question is too personal, then write about it in your own personal journal or in your head as you go throughout your day... or even write about them in your own blog.
Here's the schedule.
1. What was a changing moment in your life?
2. Has a painful experience ever had a positive impact in your life?
3. What are three of your biggest passions?
4. What is your dream career?
5. What in life is most beautiful to you?
6. Describe a specific moment where God obviously was working in your life.
7. What is your place of refuge?
8. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? What about now?
9. What song has moved you recently?
10. Who is your "best self"?
11. What is your favorite age?
12. If you knew you would die in two weeks, would you change anything about your life now?
13. Why do you keep a blog? What is your favorite part of keeping a blog? Least favorite?
14. When do you feel most alive?
15. Have you ever regretted something you DIDN'T do?
16. How do you spend time alone?
17. What kind of impact do you want to make on the world?
18. If you had a friend who talked to you like you talk to yourself, how long would you allow that person to be your friend?
19. What is your favorite Bible verse and why?
20. Are you an optimist, a realist, or a pessimist? Which would you rather be?
21. What do you miss most about your childhood?
22. How are you inspired?
23. What is a quality about yourself that you like? That you're striving to change?
24. Who is someone who changed your life for the better?
25. How is God working in your life right now?
26. If you could write a letter to your thirteen-year-old self, what would you say?
27. What do you like best about each member of your family?
28. If you could do one thing to make the world a better place, what would you do?
29. At this time in your life, do you think you're fulfilling God's plans for you?
30. Share your testimony.
I hope you like these questions. If anything, I'm writing these for myself, because maybe there are some lessons I need to learn.
I'll begin Wednesday.
March 13, 2011 1:00 AM
Tags: 30 day blog challenge, deep questions, learning new things, month long blog challenge
Posted by
Emily Whelchel
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Jack's Pages, News and Updates
I know the last few posts have been about my puppy and I'm sorry to those of you who aren't interested in cute dogs. This will be the last Jack day for a few days and expect another post later this afternoon.
I've officially made Jack his own YouTube channel where I'll be posting videos of him throughout his short life so far. At this point, I'm still posting the videos from when he was a baby-baby, but after I get caught up, I'll post some recent Jack videos.
His channel:
Jack the Dorky YorkieThe channel description is this:
My name is Jack.
I was born August 9, 2010.
I used to be a Great Dane.
Seven months ago, an evil cat abducted me and put me into this tiny Yorkie body.
I still have the heart of a Great Dane... only now I'm much more cuddly.
I love to learn tricks, play tag, and torment my cat-brother, Oreo.
I run this household. You might say I'm the spoildest Yorkie in the world.
I hope you like my videos.
March 6, 2011 1:00 AM
Tags: jack, jackthedorkyyorkie, yorkie, yorkie puppy, yorkshire terrier, youtube
Posted by
Emily Whelchel
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My Life, News and Updates

Today is my dad's birthday, so I'd like to dedicate this post to him.
You know, I've been blessed with a lot of things in my life, especially when it comes to my father. It seems like very few kids are given the chance to grow up with a devoted and loving father. I have one. I've been given the most amazing dad anyone could ever have. He doesn't let a day pass by without letting me know how much he loves me.
I love you, Daddy.
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March 2, 2011 2:14 PM
Tags: birthday, daddy, jeff whelchel
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Emily Whelchel
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News and Updates
Today I'm taking a little break from writing, so I thought I would give you a few updates.
The Facing Prejudice series is finally over. It was one of the most interesting experiences of my life and I've been so happy to write about it. If you want to see a little bit of video footage, you can check out a few of the videos here:
Introduction Getting ReadyAt LifewayAt the MallLike I've said in previous posts, if you have any ideas of future social experiments, feel free to share them. Ali and I may try them out in the future.
Have a great day.
1 Comment |
January 29, 2011 1:00 AM
Tags: at lifeway, at the mall, emilyissmiling, facing prejudice, getting ready, introduction, lifeway christian store, thelifeofemily, youtube