Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Me from A to Z

I borrowed this survey from Claudia at Lashes and Beard.  Feel free to answer these questions yourself!

A // Available or Married?
I guess I would say I'm available, although I hate to use that term.  I'd rather say that I'm perfectly content where the Lord has placed me right now and we'll see what happens in the future.  At this moment, I'm single and I'm fine with that.

B // Book?
I'm not sure exactly what this is asking, so I'll answer in a few different ways.  My favorite book would probably be Havah by Tosca Lee.  The last book I read was Little Bee by Chris Cleave.  The book I'm about to start reading is Radical Together by David Platt.  If you want to join me in my summer reading list, check it out here.

C // Cake or pie?
I like pie so much better than cake.  I tend to like salty snacks more than sweet snacks, so icing on cake is usually a bit too sugary for my taste.  But a good cherry pie is like heaven.  And even better than pie... COBBLER.

D // Drink of choice?
My favorite drink ever is Dr. Pepper.  If you're not from Texas, you may not even know what that tastes like, but it's wonderful.  I'm trying to cut down on sodas though, just because of health, so I'm working on improving my taste for drinks like Arizona Tea and Propel.  I'm writing this while drinking a Cherry Coke, so my resolve is clearly not the highest.

E // Essential item?
It's probably a tie between my guitar and my phone.  I hate to be one of those people who can't be separated from their phone, but this phone is pretty much a miniature laptop, which I would have called my essential item about two years ago.  On the other hand, when I spend more than a couple of days without playing songs on my guitar, I start feeling like my head is going to fall off, so there's that.

F // Favorite color?
Blue.  Bright blue.  Or teal.

G // Game to play or watch?
It's a nerdy game, I know, but I like playing Settlers of Catan.  Taboo is another favorite, as well as Apples to Apples.  The only games I watch are Aggie Football games, if they count.

H // Home state?

My first instagram picture, by the way.
I // Indulgence?
Probably soda, as I was saying before.  Or Sour Patch Kids.  As much as candy typically disinterests me, I'm obsessed with those things. 

J // Job?
I'm an intern for Christian Relief Fund, and I could not be more blessed by this job.  For the first time in my life (the last two years), I have gone to work every day of the summer feeling excited about what I'm going to do.  I don't even dread waking up early, which is a big deal for me.  I love this ministry.

K // Kids and names?
I don't know about the whole kids thing, but I don't want to rule it out and keep God's will separate from my own.  His plan is better than mine.  If I do have kids, I would prefer to adopt.  My favorite girl names are Avia Lyn and Story.  My favorite boy names are Charlie and Jack.  Yes, I know my dog's name is Jack and my fish's name was Charlie... but when you don't have kids, you have to use the names somewhere, right? 

L // Life is incomplete without...?
Faith in Christ.  Without Him, my life would truly be purposeless.  And I'm not saying that to sound spiritual.  I've tried it, it didn't work, and I wanted to end everything.  He is everything in my life.  This is why I can be joyful and content when anything else is gone.

M // Music group or singer?
Some of my favorite artists are Elvis Presley (of course), B. Reith, Kim Walker, Sara Bareilles, and Jack Johnson. Some of my favorite bands are NeedtoBreathe, (the old) Newsboys, Imagine Dragons, Shane & Shane, Fun., and Jesus Culture.

N // Number of siblings?
I have an adopted sister who was my best friend in high school.  Her name is Ali and she is my age, 20.  I also have a 17-year-old sister named Amy and a 13-year-old brother named Luke. 

O // Oranges or apples?
I actually don't really like either one of those.  I'm more of a raspberry kind of girl.  I don't like oranges, but I love, love, love orange juice, if that makes a difference. 

P // Phobias and fears?
Sharks and water are probably my number one right now.

Q // Quote?
We have a dry erase board at my college house.  We started out writing all sorts of things on it, and then it ended up becoming a place where I wrote a quote on it every week or so.  And any time people came over, they would always comment on the quotes.  But I really just love taking quotes from people I admire and gleaning from their wisdom.  Quotes are great.  One of my favorite quotes is, "There's no doubt we were unworthy, but we were never worthless. Big difference," by Louie Giglio.

R // Reason to smile?
Well, the biggest reason right now would be that I'm heading to Kenya, Africa in eight days.  That's pretty great.  There are so many other reasons too, like the fact that I have precious friends who keep in touch with me even when we are miles and miles away.  And the job I love more than I could have ever even thought to ask God for.  And for my parents.  And even for my little dog, Jack.

S // Season?
Definitely summer.  I love being free from school (which isn't my favorite part of life, by far), the summer sun, my favorite holiday, and the fact that it is warm outside!  My second favorite would probably be spring, because rain is my favorite kind of weather. 

T // Tattoos?
I'm afraid I would get bored of my tattoo before the year was even over.  So no.  

U // Unknown fact?
I've been blogging for just under four years now.  There aren't a lot of great unknown facts I haven't already shared on here.  The first thing that came to mind was that I've kept nearly every movie ticket I've gotten since something like 2006, minus a few incidents of forgetfulness.

V // Vegetables you love?
Believe me, there aren't many.  I can't stand most vegetables.  But I usually do like green beans.  And I like plain salads most of the time (with ranch and no other veggies but lettuce and carrots).  And fried okra.  I know, I know, I'm horrible at this whole "be healthy" thing. 

W // Worst habit?
Staying up late.  I will plan in advance to go to bed at a reasonable time, but a writing idea always pops into my head around 11 or 12 at night, and then I'm always, always, always up much later than that while my creative juices pour out of my brain. 

X // X-rays you've had?
I've x-rayed a few limbs here and there throughout my childhood.  My most recent x-rays were on my elbow and ankle after I got into a bad longboarding accident last August.  This accident sure messed up my poor body.  I tore a ligament in my ankle, scratched up my arms, badly bruised both elbows and right hip, messed up my sternum so that it hurt to breathe for a while, bruised my jaw, had whiplash, and got a concussion.  Ridiculous, right?  I had to get a CT-scan for my minor head injury, but I turned out okay.  Needless to say though, I was stuck in the house for a few days after my accident. 

Y // Your favorite food?
Chips and queso!  Tex-Mex all the way.

Z // Zodiac?
Does anyone actually follow their horoscopes?  I believe I'm a Libra, but I'm not certain, nor do I care.

To end this, what is your favorite quote?

Two years ago: Greetings from the Cayman Islands

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